Tag: Productivity

  • Becoming a Pro Poker Player

    For a couple days last week I didn’t work. I woke up, walked to Casa, ate my lunch, sat with my friends until lunch hours ended, and then sat in the empty restaurant, staring out the window. What do I want to do with my life? Not the whole thing, but right now. Conversion Doubler…

  • Report Card: Panama

    Conquerability: Moderate. No national army, but there are tons of security guards with huge guns. Most of them seem to like us, though, so we may be able to co opt them. Experimental data will be available 2009. Dangerosability: Disappointingly low. We insured our stuff and got pacsafes, and never had to use them. Even…

  • Eating Healthy (Vegan) In Panama City

    Eating Healthy (Vegan) In Panama City

    My one and only concern before beginning the trip was that I might have to give up my diet. Those of you who read my person blog know that I eat Vegan and also avoid processed flour and sugar. Todd has also pretty much adopted this diet. For the curious, we eat like that because…

  • The Gear of Life Nomadic

    To say that we packed light is an understatement. We packed super light. Someone recently told me a saying that stuck in my mind. “No one ever wishes they packed heavier.” So true. With fewer baggage comes more freedom, and that’s exactly what we’re after. Still, when Todd suggested that we take only a small…

  • Not Being Angry Ever

    I’m writing about this because we sidetracked a post in the forums and I thought it was interesting to warrant a full article. It’s not so much that I want to ram my opinion down the throats of those who disagree with me (I do), but that I feel like my position is misunderstood and…

  • Tynan (The Name)

    Now that I’m #1 on Google for my name, I’ve been getting more people to the site searching for that. Many of them share my name, which is awesome. My parents chose the name out of a name book randomly. They wanted me to have a name that had no previous associations with anyone else.…

  • Google Screwed Me Over?

    I hate Paypal. In the early days of gambling I used Paypal to send money to casinos, and Paypal would occasionally screw me over. They held all deposits to casinos for 30 days so that if the casino went under, players wouldn’t get screwed. That was nice of them. One time I deposited $10k and…

  • Night Swinging

    Night Swinging

    When I was younger, I loved playing on swings. My best friend Ryan and I would spend all of recess on the swings, making up new tricks and seeing who could jump further. Eventually it got to the point where ankles were being sprained and we had both perfected the backflip off the swing. Now,…

  • Mexico


    As I may have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of cruises. Although I haven’t gone on one yet this year, I usually go on at least one or two every year. Where the cruise actually goes is wholly unimportant to me. Half the time I sleep through the stops anyway, and just stay…

  • Exploring Airman’s Cave

    Exploring Airman’s Cave

    We sat in the tiny passageway, exhausted. Our muscles were fatigued from overuse. We were over a mile deep into the cave, hours away from the surface, hours away from food, and hours away from water. Had our curiousity finally gotten the best of us? For the first time ever, I was worried for my…