The Mystery of the Chain
Ok. I know I put this same picture up a couple days ago – but there’s a reason. Someone STOLE my chain last night. I am incapable of taking another picture with the chain now. Here’s how the caper went down : A friend of mine was having a birthday party. Because it was important…
Triple Monitors : Why Going out of Business is Fun
Want to know what the best part of your business coming to a screeching halt is? LOOTING. I had a very successful business for 6 years that I recently stopped. It was good money, but was a lot of stress and not particularly rewarding. I had several state of the art computers at the office,…
The Infamous Ghetto Indoor Pool
So I’m trying to be a good little blogger and update this puppy every day. I’ve got two hours left before it’s tomorrow and I don’t have the picture I need to do the update I want, so we’re going into the vault. A couple years ago I put the biggest above ground pool I…
Pictures of the Luxor Penthouse
As I wrote in a previous article, I stayed for a few days in the Luxor Penthouse Suite. It’s available only to high rollers and is about 4800 sqft. Because I had previously always wanted to see the inside of one of these suites, I took a few minutes and snapped some pictures for you.…
The World’s Most Expensive Manicure
As some of you may know, I paint my nails silver. Why? Everyone always asks, but the real answer is just because I think it’s cool. When I read this article about platinum nailpolish I was really excited. The polish is called “I do” by Essie.One of my favorite things is excess, so I figured…
Polyphasic Sleeping in Paradise
I’m wearing an offensively soft egyptian terry cotton robe right now. I just got out of the solid marble steam room that’s in my bathroom. Before that I was soaking with some lavender sea salts in the raised jacuzzi tub, also off my bedroom. Before that I was having my ass kissed by a variety…
A Lucid Dream
I had my first lucid dream since beginning this thing. I had woken up naturally after about 15 minutes of sleep, and as I was drifting back into dreamland, I realized that I was sleeping right as I started to dream. I thought “wow… let’s try out this lucid dream stuff” and leapt off some…
7 Goals for 2006
Here are my New Year’s Resolution / goals for 2006. Keep me accountable and see if I reach them all (I bet I will) Become FULLY polyphasic– I’m working hard on this one and am almost there Gain 15 lb of lean muscle – This will leave me at 160lb and around 8% body fat.…