• Valentine’s Day News

    I don’t really like writing short updates, but there are too many little things going on to write separate posts. First, I’ve designed some cool t-shirts, hats, and other items to facilitate displaying of BtyB pride. Even if you don’t have BtyB pride yet, the designs are cool enough that you’ll want to wear them…

  • The Yoga Disaster

    One of the great things about being polyphasic is that my friends are on awful sleep schedules. Some of them stay up until 7am, others wake up at 7am, so at any given time there’s a good chance that I have awake friends. This morning at 7am Hayden calls and asks if I want to…

  • The Secret Tunnels Under UT

    The Secret Tunnels Under UT

    NEW: Video link added to the bottom 12/14NEW: Second video link added to the bottom 12/15 Haha… two secret posts in a row. I have a mental list of stories I want to write here, and somehow this one had slipped off of it. Luckily, a UT Grad who goes by “The Reel Deal” posted…

  • Trogdor the Ropefish Goes Crazy

    A few months ago a friend of mine moved to Vegas. He had a really sweet fish tank that he couldn’t take with him, so he gave it to me. I got really into it, of course. The only problem was that the fish kept dying. Here’s the graveyard : 1. The cutest little red…

  • The Secrets of Buying

    I’ve long considered myself a fantastic buyer. Notice I don’t say shopper – that alludes to a hobby or form of entertainment. To me, buying is serious business. Even before I had any serious degree of financial success, many people assumed I was rich because of my material posessions. I guess most people could pull…

  • Going Raw

    I used to walk into McDonalds and often times I wouldn’t be charged for my food. Why? Because I went there so frequently and brought so many friends, that they knew I was good for business. My favorite meal was the Fishwich, a mighty sandwich made with a bun, american cheese, a deep fried fish…

  • How I Became a Famous Pickup Artist : Part 3

    This is part of an ongoing series. If you haven’t read them already, read : How I became a Famous Pickup Artist Part 1 andHow I became a Famous Pickup Artist Part 2 I wrote out this entire post before, and then the computer crashed and I lost it all, so I haven’t felt like…

  • Scariest Thing Ever

    I quickly fell asleep for my polynap and drifted off into dreamland. In my dream I was at a community college, waiting to speak to a counselor. I hadn’t put my name down on the list yet, so I was just mulling around the waiting room. I was feeling good because for some reason I…

  • Fed Up With Kevin Federline

    So… what’s the best way to get famous? Clearly, piggypacking of someone else’s career. I mean, look at how Benzino dissed Eminem to get in the spotlight a couple years ago. Kevin Federline has released an abortion of a song called “PopoZao”, which features idiotic choruses and a full twenty seconds of him actually rapping.…

  • “But I Love My Sleep!”

    Alright, rocketeers… this post is on a subject that’s near and dear to my heart. Whenever people hear about the polyphasic sleep schedule, they come up with reasons they couldn’t do it. I don’t know why… It’s really awesome and everyone should want to do it. By far the most common excuse is : “But…