• The One Month Personal Development Challenge

    Ok, so I was just writing about my goals and realized that I wasn’t doing nearly enough. So this is going to be my public challenge to myself to see how much I can improve my life in one month. That’s all there is to the challenge – no rules, no goals, and no excuses.…

  • How am I doing on my Goals?

    So back in January, I wrote out my 7 goals for the year. It’s been two months, so let’s see how I’m doing : 1. Become FULLY polyphasic I’m close on this one. Many days I go perfectly, sometimes if I have nothing to do I oversleep and then skip some naps during the day.…

  • How I Became a Famous Pickup Artist : Part 4

    This is part of a continuing series. Before reading this, read parts : 1, 2, and 3. In Texas we have deer like other states have squirrels. Yes, everything really is bigger in Texas. I had lived in Texas for 9 years or so, and had never once hit one. Most people have at least…

  • A Slice of Humble Pie (Raw, of course)

    For those who know me… well, even for people don’t, it will come as no surprise when I say that I’m not a very humble person. I’m awesome, I’m aware of it, and I have no qualms making others aware of it. I pride myself on being self sufficient, and am generally of the opinion…

  • Why I’m Done with Mercedes Benz of Austin

    A quick background – I love Mercedes cars. As a kid my dad had one for a few years (incidentally, he hated it) and I always liked riding it. When we went to the dealership I would be drawn in by the pro-Mercedes anti-BMW propaganda. When I bought my first car with my own money,…

  • My Penguin!

    adopt your own virtual pet! YES! Thanks to JOOOOOOODI

  • Jumping the Freight Trains

    Today’s story is dedicated to my good friend Austin. I moved from Boston to Austin my freshman year of high school and of course had no friends here. On the very first day I made friends with the people who remain my best friends to this day, and I consider that to be perhaps the…

  • Boston

    I’m heading out to Boston for a few days, starting today. What does that mean to you? It means that I’ll probably be lazy with updates because I just had to buy the world’s smallest laptop. It’s extremely portable, of course, but is also nearly impossible to type long posts on. Nevertheless, I’m going to…

  • Working out for Wimps

    Are you interested in working out, but have no idea how? That’s where I was until a year and a half ago. I avoided the gym because I was so clueless about what to do there that I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. Looking information on the internet is almost pointless, because…

  • The Great American School Bus Conversion: Part 2

    The Great American School Bus Conversion: Part 2

    I was just thinking about fifteen minutes ago, “I don’t think I’ve ever personally used the word foist before”. Not that I remember every word I’ve said, necessarily, but I think I’d remember if I said foist. Today I resolve to use the word foist at least once in a natural context – so watch…