The One Month Personal Development Challenge
Ok, so I was just writing about my goals and realized that I wasn’t doing nearly enough. So this is going to be my public challenge to myself to see how much I can improve my life in one month. That’s all there is to the challenge – no rules, no goals, and no excuses.…
How am I doing on my Goals?
So back in January, I wrote out my 7 goals for the year. It’s been two months, so let’s see how I’m doing : 1. Become FULLY polyphasic I’m close on this one. Many days I go perfectly, sometimes if I have nothing to do I oversleep and then skip some naps during the day.…
How I Became a Famous Pickup Artist : Part 4
This is part of a continuing series. Before reading this, read parts : 1, 2, and 3. In Texas we have deer like other states have squirrels. Yes, everything really is bigger in Texas. I had lived in Texas for 9 years or so, and had never once hit one. Most people have at least…
A Slice of Humble Pie (Raw, of course)
For those who know me… well, even for people don’t, it will come as no surprise when I say that I’m not a very humble person. I’m awesome, I’m aware of it, and I have no qualms making others aware of it. I pride myself on being self sufficient, and am generally of the opinion…
Why I’m Done with Mercedes Benz of Austin
A quick background – I love Mercedes cars. As a kid my dad had one for a few years (incidentally, he hated it) and I always liked riding it. When we went to the dealership I would be drawn in by the pro-Mercedes anti-BMW propaganda. When I bought my first car with my own money,…
My Penguin!
adopt your own virtual pet! YES! Thanks to JOOOOOOODI
Jumping the Freight Trains
Today’s story is dedicated to my good friend Austin. I moved from Boston to Austin my freshman year of high school and of course had no friends here. On the very first day I made friends with the people who remain my best friends to this day, and I consider that to be perhaps the…
I’m heading out to Boston for a few days, starting today. What does that mean to you? It means that I’ll probably be lazy with updates because I just had to buy the world’s smallest laptop. It’s extremely portable, of course, but is also nearly impossible to type long posts on. Nevertheless, I’m going to…
Working out for Wimps
Are you interested in working out, but have no idea how? That’s where I was until a year and a half ago. I avoided the gym because I was so clueless about what to do there that I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. Looking information on the internet is almost pointless, because…
The Great American School Bus Conversion: Part 2
I was just thinking about fifteen minutes ago, “I don’t think I’ve ever personally used the word foist before”. Not that I remember every word I’ve said, necessarily, but I think I’d remember if I said foist. Today I resolve to use the word foist at least once in a natural context – so watch…