Recently I needed new hosting. I was paying way too much over at HostGator (who later ripped me off!), so I quit and began the search for new hosting. At first I tried to get a VPS (virtual private server), which is basically a chunk of a real server. This was great until some idiot…
Jet Lag
I think it’s our third day here. It’s hard to tell because I’ve spent a good amount of that time sleeping. However, I’m now over the jet lag and ready for action again. Last year when we came to Japan we had no jet lag at all. My jet lag strategy is to try to…
My productivity has been abysmal for the past three days. I haven’t stuck to my crossfit schedule. A couple meals weren’t vegan and Ty-approved. I fell off the wagon. Sure I was on a plane for most of one of those days and jetlagged for the others, but those are excuses and I don’t want…
Lenovo Slim AC/DC Adapter
I love Lenovo/IBM/Thinkpad to death. I’ll write more about their laptops soon, but for now I’m going to talk about this new power adapter. My old one broke in Panama, so as soon as I got to the US I ordered this one. Shipped overnight, it was expensive but worth every penny. It’s very thin,…
Hello, Japan
I have no idea why, but these flights to Tokyo seem so short. Despite staying up the night before I only managed to sleep for five of the twelve hours we spent on the plane. The rest of the time was spent entertaining the four year old next to me with magic tricks, reading her…
My week in Hollywood has just finished and I’m now on a plane to Tokyo. Just hearing the Japanese announcements on the airplane’s PA brings back fond memories of my trip here last year and makes me more excited to get there. (Quick aside. The girl next to Todd is sleeping in the most hilarious…
The Great San Blas Adventure: Part 2
We watched the plane that we were supposed to be on fly away. As it flew over us we waved our arms as if we were stuck on a deserted island. In a way we were. With one plane a day, which is usually full, there was no guarantee we could get off the island…
Report Card: Panama
Conquerability: Moderate. No national army, but there are tons of security guards with huge guns. Most of them seem to like us, though, so we may be able to co opt them. Experimental data will be available 2009. Dangerosability: Disappointingly low. We insured our stuff and got pacsafes, and never had to use them. Even…
Multiple Lives
I just got into LAX last night. It’s amazing how so much time can pass, but I still remember the nuances of the city. Take La Cienega down past the big plaster donut, over the traintracks, and into Hollywood. I drove past the old Project Hollywood house. It looks just as it ever did, except…
The Great San Blas Adventure: Part 1
We called Mr. Robinson, as instructed. “Hi. We’d like to come to Isla Robinson on Thursday.” They’re barely mentioned in guidebooks, but every seasoned traveler who goes through Panama City knows about the San Blas islands. They’re stuck in the northeast of Panama City. By law, only Kuna Indians can own them. Every random traveler…