Tag: Mindset

  • Living in a Small RV: Introduction

    Living in a Small RV: Introduction

    When I first bought an RV to live in last year a lot of people thought that it was a phase I would quickly snap out of. Part of me thought the same thing. Would a move from a 2000 square foot condo to a 100 square foot RV be bearable? As it turned out,…

  • Please Help Me Find These Things

    Please Help Me Find These Things

    I am going crazy trying to find two very small pieces of gear that would make my life a whole lot easier. I can’t find any trace of them online, but I KNOW that they exist because I have had one of each at some point. The first one is an ingenious little chunk of…

  • Tynan Island

    Tynan Island

    Somewhere off the coast of Central America is an island. Right now it’s uninhabited, besides some monkeys. Long beaches reach from the palm trees to the ocean. The island is many acres in size, so big that if you were in the middle of the jungle you’d forget that you’re even on an island. If…

  • 8 Things You Don’t Really Have to Do

    We grow up being told what to do and what not to do and can’t wait until we’re adults and can do whatever we want. When we finally get there, there are new people like bosses, cool people on TV, and the government who try to tell us what to do again. I don’t mind…

  • Tynan (The Name)

    Now that I’m #1 on Google for my name, I’ve been getting more people to the site searching for that. Many of them share my name, which is awesome. My parents chose the name out of a name book randomly. They wanted me to have a name that had no previous associations with anyone else.…

  • Stir Crazy Popcorn Popper

    I’d like to take a moment to talk about a slightly controversial subject: popcorn. Chips are ok, pretzels get boring fast, and chex mix is downright peculiar. Popcorn, however, is the most divine snack food in the land, and is well liked by almost everyone. I refuse on principal to talk to those who don’t…

  • Tynan Goes to Japan : Part Two

    Tynan Goes to Japan : Part Two

    Man… I just had an awesome jaunt through Japan. I misunderstood a web page I read and thought that we had to pay $280 for a week long subway pass. I knew Tokyo was really expensive, so I didn’t question it. The only problem was that this mysterious train pass could only be bought in…

  • I Hate Birthdays

    Continuing with the theme of weird things about me that could possibly point to some psychological conditions – I hate birthdays. Rest assured that it’s not my birthday. I wanted to write this on my birthday, but instead I waited some amount of time so that no one would know when it is. Yeah, that’s…

  • How to Get the Best Cell Phone Plan in All the Land

    Wow. I’ve been much busier than I thought, so I haven’t been able to write any updates for a while. Luckily I have a huge layover next week in Phoenix, so I’ll have plenty of time to crank out some stories. Anyway, some friends and I recently switched our cell phone plans to the best…

  • UT Tunnel Interview

    By now I’m sure that all of you have read the UT tunnel story. When the story surfaced, Mark e-mailed me because he is doing a documentary on the UT tunnels. He wanted to interview me, which I was happy to do. The interview finally happened today, and it was pretty cool. I basically just…