The Etymology of “np”
omg lol stfu np Do you even wonder where these acronyms come from? Who starts them? Is there a secret cave full of the movers and shakers of the internet world who spend all day trying to come up with the next ‘lol’? Well, wonder no more, my feathered friend. This is the story of…
The Low Down
Just wanted to a take a minute and talk about this blog. The recent trend of people making a living off of their blogs had a lot of appeal to me. I do more interesting stuff than anyone I know – why not write about it? I also enjoy writing and sharing my stories with…
How I Became a Famous Pickup Artist : Part 2
This is a continuation of the story, How I Became a Famous Pickup Artist Part 1. If you haven’t read that already, you should do so before reading this article. Papa was notorious for being in contact with everyone in the pickup scene. I couldn’t blame him, either – he was the business side of…
Drop Out and Grow Rich : The Remix
A bunch of people e-mailed me about the Drop Out and Grow Rich article I posted yesterday. A friend of mine pointed out a few things, most importantly that I failed to give the college grad interest on his money. Fixing that (and making him pay interest if he was negative, but only after the…
Drop Out and Grow Rich
In our culture going to school is given a lot of respect. Dropouts face a sharp negative stigma. They’re quitters. They’re losers. They’ll go nowhere in life. But is this really true? How big of a factor is college on success? Here’s a list of some of the dropouts that I personally admire : Bill…
The Amazing Race for The Amazing Race
Wow. This has got to be one of my all time best stories. On Wednesday night I was talking to my good friend Jonah and was telling him about the show “The Amazing Race“, and how I wanted to apply this year. Jonah and I have gone on a lot of trips together and somehow…
Chain Recovered! (And Other Updates)
That girl who I accused of having the chain DID steal it. Even though I suspected her, I was shocked. What a bitch. Anyway, she is giving it back. But… I wanted to wear the chain for Krunkeoke last night, so I bought a new one. Jonah and I are going to get on the…
How I Became a Famous Pickup Artist : Part 1
As far as I was concerned, she was perfect. She was at least as smart as I was, was a dancer and had the body to prove it, and had a smile that could disarm the national guard. Let’s call her Julie. So, like an earthworm stalking it’s prey, I put my usual game on…
Consider, Commit, Lock
People often comment that I have a lot of discipline. Even if you go through some comments on posts in this blog, you’ll see people saying that. I even agree with them – I’ve been working this polyphasic thing for over two months now! Very few nights have gone by that haven’t involved an intense…
Polyphasic Upgrade / Update
Before I went to Massachusetts, things were peachy. I did 4 days with only one hour of oversleeping. Then during Massachusetts I did rather poorly, but still not too bad. When I got back I was settling back into my polyphasic/gangsta lifestyle, but that got interrupted for my trip to Vegas. And Vegas, surprisingly, wasn’t…