• Opportunities

    I recently began a quest to become a deputized police officer. I want to get a police badge so that I can enjoy whatever perks come along with it, but also I’m fascinated to find out more about the police. As part of the process of getting the badge I will have to undergo standard…

  • Thanks for Reading

    Nothing groundbreaking here today (is there ever?). I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone for reading my site. It’s a great feeling to know that every time I fill another green page full of words, hundreds of people will read it. My favorite e-mails to get all day are the ones that…

  • I Hate Birthdays

    Continuing with the theme of weird things about me that could possibly point to some psychological conditions – I hate birthdays. Rest assured that it’s not my birthday. I wanted to write this on my birthday, but instead I waited some amount of time so that no one would know when it is. Yeah, that’s…

  • I Am My Own Biggest Fan

    OK, it’s confession time. I am a HUGE narcissist. I mean, obviously I think I’m the greatest, better than your boyfriend, etc. But at least that is all true beyond any doubt. What I’m talking about today is different. I am my biggest fan. If I make a new song, I will listen to it…

  • Why I Don’t Drink

    Recently a comment was posted where someone asked why I don’t drink. I do seem to mention it in a number of posts, mostly those where I’m complaining how hard it is to find a girl who also doesn’t drink, but I suppose I’ve never explained why. I also don’t do drugs, smoke, or take…

  • Why I Don’t Drink

    Recently a comment was posted where someone asked why I don’t drink. I do seem to mention it in a number of posts, mostly those where I’m complaining how hard it is to find a girl who also doesn’t drink, but I suppose I’ve never explained why. I also don’t do drugs, smoke, or take…

  • Why I Don’t Drink

    Recently a comment was posted where someone asked why I don’t drink. I do seem to mention it in a number of posts, mostly those where I’m complaining how hard it is to find a girl who also doesn’t drink, but I suppose I’ve never explained why. I also don’t do drugs, smoke, or take…

  • Why I Don’t Drink

    Recently a comment was posted where someone asked why I don’t drink. I do seem to mention it in a number of posts, mostly those where I’m complaining how hard it is to find a girl who also doesn’t drink, but I suppose I’ve never explained why. I also don’t do drugs, smoke, or take…

  • A Pickup Interview

    Recently Donovan over at Attraction Chronicles interviewed me. People here are always asking me to post pickup related stuff, but I tend to stay away from it in general. So if you’re one of those people, you can read the interview. It has a couple stories from the field, as well as some advice and…

  • Celebrity Sighting : Me?

    After work I went to get some dinner with Doug and Steve. Doug is one of the engineers at Smiley Media, who you will be hearing about soon due to some incredible plans we have set in motion. Steve, as you may remember owns Smiley Media. Jonah joined us later for drinks and fish tacos…