Amazing Insignificant Events
Twenty Seven thousand fans are packed into Red Rock, one of the best music venues in the world. The arena is carved from a mountain of giant red rocks. The sold out crowd is watching Ben Folds rock out on the piano. I emerge from a backstage hallway right next to the front of the…
A Book, A Blog, A Podcast
First – let me get this out of the way : I fed a squirrel. I saw a bunch of squirrels so I went back to the RV and got some almonds. I put one in my hand and sat around forever, and finally a squirrel came and ate it. It was the cutest thing…
TynanTV Episode 1!
I bet you didn’t know that I was going to have video posts. I didn’t either. Todd and I made some funny videos on the way up to Houston this weekend, so I figured I’d smoosh them in with the PRK video and make a little episode out of it. I plan on making more…
How to Live in Austin, Texas
Yesterday I spent all day putting my new solar panel on the RV. Two weeks ago I got the panel in the mail and I called Crestview RV (a local RV place in Austin) to get it installed. They said it would be about $200, but that they were backed up and it would have…
Little May Updates
I still live in the RV. People ask how long I’m going to stay here and honestly I don’t know. I love it so much that I don’t even want to leave. I DO want a solar panel, though, which gets installed thursday. That’s exciting. Did I already mention that I had 5 people over…
Climbing a Construction Crane
Oooh how the ladies love alliteration! Really all I want to do is write about living in the RV, but every day I would just write “man! this is great!”, so I’ll write about something else. Anyway, I have very little power in the RV at the moment… I have to run the generator which…
Not Being Angry Ever
I’m writing about this because we sidetracked a post in the forums and I thought it was interesting to warrant a full article. It’s not so much that I want to ram my opinion down the throats of those who disagree with me (I do), but that I feel like my position is misunderstood and…
What You Need to Know About Laser Eye Surgery
Ahoy! Six days ago I finally put my eyeballs in front of a laser and got my vision corrected. It’s something that I’ve wanted to do for years, but never got around to doing because of the cost, the worry that I’d miss out on a new technology, and the uncertainty of which procedure to…
Living in an RV : Day 10
I’ve lived in my RV for 10 days now. I have only gone back to the condo to get clothes, and to sleep one night (basically I picked a loud parking spot that was 10 feet from the condo and it was 5am so I just went inside instead of driving to a quiet spot).…
I Bought an RV!
A short while I ago, as an aside, I mentioned that I might be buying an RV to live in. It seemed like a good idea, so every day I checked ebay to see what sorts of deals were to be had. I wasn’t ready to buy, but I figured it would be good to…