Arrested Development
I watch very little TV. Maybe 1-2 seasons of a show per year, and nothing outside that show. There is, however, one TV show that is so fantastically good that I’ve watched it all the way through more times than I can remember. It’s Arrested Development. This show was on Fox through 2006, when it…
Persistence Alone
My grandfather grew up in a small apartment in Lawrence, Massachusetts with fourteen older brothers and sisters. His mother stayed at home to watch after the family, and his father worked in a dry goods store. His parents came from Italy to Ellis Island with no money. He grew up poor. When he was ten…
A Serious Conversation with my Sister
[00:53] tynan: we’re going to see another tribe called the Kuna Indians[00:53] tynan: they slaughter people if they sneeze![00:54] sister: WHA[00:54] sister: T[00:54] tynan: because it’s against their religion[00:54] sister: WHAT[00:54] sister: OOH MY GODDDD[00:54] sister: i REALLY hope that you’re not allergic to anything there[00:54] tynan: I doubt I am[00:54] tynan: a dozen tourists…
I Ate a Bug
First of all, Best in the Land is back. I’ve recently adopted a new posting schedule (twice a week on btyb, and best in the land, once a week to my pickup newsletter at Make Her Chase You, and twice a week to Life Nomadic including Todd’s posts). I didn’t want to post about it…
Epson R-D1s Digital Rangefinder Camera
I knew I needed a digital camera for Life Nomadic, my 2008 trip around the world. But which one should I get? Point and shoots just don’t cut it. The trip was planned to bring me to some of the most amazing places on earth, and there was no way I wasn’t going to capture…
Casco Viejo
Jose, our friend and the guy who rented our apartment to us, is a Spanish teacher here in Panama. He comes over a couple times a week and hangs out with us. It’s business and pleasure – we learn Spanish from him and we teach him about online business. He’s a lot more of an…
How I Learned Chinese
From second grade until eighth grade I went to a private school in Andover, Massachusetts called The Pike School. It was awesome, and marked the last time that I thought: 1. School was worthwhile 2. School was fun It’s such an excellent school that when I have kids eventually I’d be inclined to move back…
Tynan Island
Somewhere off the coast of Central America is an island. Right now it’s uninhabited, besides some monkeys. Long beaches reach from the palm trees to the ocean. The island is many acres in size, so big that if you were in the middle of the jungle you’d forget that you’re even on an island. If…
Halfway Through Panama
How quickly the time has gone! We’ve been here for a month now, and it will already be hard to go. We went to Mireya’s for lunch today and Mireya said (in Spanish), “Oh good! I was thinking you left the country already!” She seemed happy that we were here for another month and we…
Suunto X9i GPS Watch
I wasn’t wearing a watch for a while. This seemed like a pretty big lost opportunity. I checked out the prime real estate on my right wrist (I’m a lefty) and decided I needed the best watch ever. What I wanted was something reasonably good looking that packed the most function in it as possible.…