What I’m Doing These Days

I need a week off from trying to think of a story from the vault. When I was dating and living with Katya, I used to tell her a story every night before we’d go to sleep. She’s never let me forget.

After a year or so I all of a sudden couldn’t think of any new stories. I racked my brain to think of some that I had forgotten, but I was out. I guess that means I have somewhere around 300 stories in my brain. The tough part was that because she lived with me she was part of all my new stories. I wasn’t regenerating them fast enough.

That’s sort of how I feel about you. I write my whole life online between here and Life Nomadic.

I got a new server. This is probably exciting to no one here, but I really enjoy it. It’s unmanaged, which basically means that they take a computer, plug it into the internet at a big hosting facility somewhere, and then it’s up to me to set it up. I connect to it from my computer and have to do everything at a command line.

That means installing the web server, setting up e-mail, and even writing configuration files so that every computer, including yours, can find the site.

Very nerdy stuff. I love building proficiency in different and even opposite areas because it’s unexpected. Pickup and Linux. Eating healthy and rapping. Working out and learning Japanese. I might spread myself too thin sometimes, but I think it’s really cool to be some sort of renaissance man.

And there’s no better way to learn than to just DO it. I had to figure out all that Linux server stuff because otherwise all my sites (including my source of income) would disappear.

I’ve been spending all my time on Conversion Doubler, as you know. It’s been going very well and has been working wonders on my own site. Today I sold a record number of books and I finished a test that yielded a (statistically significant) 100% increase over my previous page. I even left it running longer than necessary to make sure.

Pretty huge.

Of course, not all of that is due to Conversion Doubler. I’ve been reading the classics of copywriting (which I think will make me a better writer too, btw), like John Caples, and have been testing them on my site.

I’ve been making a lot of progress working out with Crossfit. When I first got to Panama 6 weeks ago I couldn’t do more than 3-4 pullups in a row. Then a couple weeks ago I did 13 in a row.

I’m noticing that I’m looking a lot more muscular, too. I don’t know if other people would notice it, but when you’re working out you’re definitely looking for it. Pretty cool.

I’m also working on a new version of my book, Make Her Chase You. A longtime blog reader bought it recently and told me that he thought it was good, but incomplete. Since I know he’s inclined to like it since he reads my stuff, I took his criticism very seriously and have begun a major rewrite.

It’s now up from 71 pages to 110 and I’m still going. I’m extremely happy with how the new version’s coming out, although it took some significant work to get going on it because I lost the original file for the first version!

Once I finish it I’ll be able to sell the whole package for more money, too. (of course anyone who bought the first version will get this version free).

That’s ok, though, it was a good opportunity to redesign the layout as well. I love designing ebook layouts and I think the new one is a lot better.

The book MIGHT be ready to be a real published book now. I’ll have to take a look once I finish it.






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