Tag: Health

  • Why Drink Tea?

    Why Drink Tea?

    I’ve been writing out my yearly blog posts and as I’ve gotten near the end I’ve realized that I haven’t written anything about tea this year. It seems almost inconceivable that a year could pass by without my shilling for the tea industry at large. In thinking about that, I started to think about why…

  • One Meal Per Day

    One Meal Per Day

    Many years ago I gave up breakfast because I was told by my trainer friend that I should be intermittent fasting. At first it felt like a big imposition, but after a few days I didn’t feel hungry at breakfast time any more. Even better, it allowed me to get to work earlier and to…

  • A Guide to Good Sleep

    A Guide to Good Sleep

    Sometimes I wonder if I’m annoying because I talk so much about good sleep, but even when I talk to readers about it, it seems like almost no one actually prioritizes and gets good sleep. This is amazing to me, as it’s actually a pretty pleasant and easy way to get a huge boost in…

  • Standard Diagnostics

    Standard Diagnostics

    It’s always tempting to look for complicated or clever solutions to our problems. We love hacks and secret unknown solutions, rather than straightforward answers to our problems. There’s a time and place to get creative, but usually it’s best to exhaust the basics first. Whenever I’m not feeling my best, whether it’s a lack of…

  • Why Drinking Alcohol is a Bad Idea

    Why Drinking Alcohol is a Bad Idea

    This post was suggested by a drinker, which I thought was pretty funny. He goes back and forth on it, though, so maybe he’s on the fence and I can help push him to one side (hopefully my side). I don’t drink. I’ve had five sips total in my life, three of them accidental. I’ll…

  • Four of My Favorite Teas, and How to Brew Them

    Four of My Favorite Teas, and How to Brew Them

    Maybe this is true of most things, but the variance between great tea and terrible tea is absolutely enormous. If tea was what nearly everyone thinks tea is, I would never drink it. A great cup of tea, though, is one of life’s great pleasures. And despite being a luxury and an indulgence, it’s very…

  • Nine Trends I Predict

    Nine Trends I Predict

    As you may have noticed, I’ve been very early on some big cultural trends. I was into pickup way before it was mainstream, was one of the first “digital nomads”, was living in an RV before the tiny house craze, and was playing poker profitably before it went big, etc. This isn’t because I’m clairvoyant…

  • How I Drink Tea

    How I Drink Tea

    A couple people asked me recently to make a post about tea. I’m delighted to hear that people are interested, because I sometimes feel like readers must be getting sick of how much I post about and share pictures of tea. I drink tea just about every day. The only days I don’t drink it…

  • Zai Jian 2015

    Well, there goes another year. Every time a new year rolls around, my initial impression of the past year is that it was pretty uneventful compared to previous years. Then I go through my blog archives and think about what has happened, and I realize that it has been, again, a pretty monumental year. First…

  • No Shampoo

    No Shampoo

    In case you don’t know, there are a large number of people on the internet giving up shampoo. They claim that shampoo is the problem, stripping your hair of oils and then adding them back in. If you just give up shampoo, your hair will regulate itself, just like the hair on all other animals.…