• Life Nomadic Book Coming Soon

    Life Nomadic Book Coming Soon

    A week ago I was rooting through my projects folder and I came across something that I had somehow forgotten: a full length book I wrote about Life Nomadic. I gave it a quick read-through and thought, “man… there’s some great stuff in here! Why didn’t I release it?” So, I’m going to release it…

  • Enjoying a Japanese Onsen

    Enjoying a Japanese Onsen

    Our two day train ride left Todd and I in a random Northern Japanese town called Asamushi. We had half a day before our next train would take us to Sapporo, so we decided to use the time to clean up. In Japan that means one thing: Onsen, or public baths. We walked around in…

  • The Shower Movie Theater

    The Shower Movie Theater

    I take long showers, or at least I used to before I lived in an RV. I always put the water a little too hot, then get in and face away from the shower because the water is too hot for my chest. Fifteen minutes later I realize that I’ve been staring into space while…

  • Maximizing Your Opportunity Window

    Maximizing Your Opportunity Window

    In my last post i talked about what NOW is the right time for. The implication, of course, is that there are certain periods of time where you can actually take advantage of opportunities that come your way. Let’s call that your Opportunity Window. In the Standard American Lifestyle, that window is narrow. Really narrow.…

  • What is NOW the Perfect Time For?

    What is NOW the Perfect Time For?

    In Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell talked about how in certain industries, the leaders all have clustered birthdays within a few years. They grew up, and right when they hit that sweet spot of maximum freedom and minimal responsibility, along with a budding industry, they started their companies. Bill Gates, Gladwell argues, created a software company at…

  • Cook a Super Healthy Meal in One Pot in Twenty Minutes

    Cook a Super Healthy Meal in One Pot in Twenty Minutes

    (Yeah, I should have taken a picture of the meal, but I forgot about a photo until after I finished.) I have no plans to make this blog into the cooking channel, but ever since writing about the MaxDiet, I get a lot of comments about how hard it is to cook healthily and questions…

  • My Three Days at Vipassana

    My Three Days at Vipassana

    I first heard about Vipassana from Rivers Cuomo, the lead singer for Weezer. He was explaining that despite being a rock star, he was celibate because of Vipassana. Powerful stuff, I guess. He raved about the benefits of it, although I don’t remember exactly what he said anymore. It stuck in my mind, and over…

  • Six Ways to Be Benefically Weird Today

    Six Ways to Be Benefically Weird Today

    I was talking with Ramit Sethi the other day, and he said something interesting. He told me that his obsession wasn’t necessarily personal finance, but rather how to actually get people to take action and make changes. We talked about the similarities between pick up and personal finance. Telling someone that they can get better…

  • Leaving Los Angeles

    Leaving Los Angeles

    Wow. Los Angeles is awesome. I liked it a lot when I lived there back in 2004, but I had forgotten how great it was. I’m in San Francisco now, with no real plans to leave, but if it’s not as great as I imagine it will be, I could easily see myself heading back…

  • The 2009 Nomad Packing List

    The 2009 Nomad Packing List

    Our most popular Life Nomadic article last year was our complete packing list. Since then we’ve learned a lot, made a lot of changes, and managed to pack a lot more into the same tiny amount of space. There are a few areas where slight improvement could be made, which you’ll hear me talk about…