How to Get Maximum Enjoyment From Cruises
It’s no secret that I absolutely love cruising. Every year I organize a few cruises and try to get as many of my friends as possible to join me. The only limit I have on how many days per year I spend at sea is how many days I can convince friends to cruise with…
Variance and Investing
One of the best things to come from my career as a professional gambler is a deep unconscious understanding of risk, odds, EV, and variance. The downside to this is that I see people make fundamental errors all the time, especially in investing, and it really bothers me. Usually I notice these errors not because…
You Have More Options When You’re Weird
In many ways my life is very weird. Sometimes when I’m about to make a statement like that I try to think of a relatable example of how I’m not weird in some way, but it’s hard to come up with one. I wear clothes like everyone else… except I only have one set. I…
How I Make Purchasing Decisions
Despite being a pretty severe minimalist for a long time, I think I’m now known a lot for what I buy. I worry about this a little bit sometimes, because I don’t think being a great consumer is very meaningful. On the other hand, buying the right things is a good substitution for buying a…
The Best Food in Hilo, Hawaii
I don’t really consider myself to be a foodie, but the food in Hilo is SO good that it’s one of the things I most look forward to every time I visit. I’ve been to the major Hawaiian islands and have had great food on all of them, but Hilo is definitely in a league…
Attainable Excellence
By strange coincidence, I know a lot of people starting restaurants. Some are friends, some are family members, and some I’ve just gotten to know because I eat at their restaurants all the time. One is a world class chocolate company, another is a pizza place, another is a shave ice stand, and another is…
Filter More Out
We’re all looking for the next thing that we should be doing or paying attention to. Maybe that’s even part of why you read this blog. This is a good pursuit of course, but it often seems to me that people don’t spend enough time figuring out what they shouldn’t be paying attention to. I…
How to Invest in Friendships
In just about any way I can think of, I have an amazing life. But of all of the aspects of my life that bring me happiness, the most important one is the relationships I have with my friends and family. This is probably true for almost everyone, but it’s odd to me how most…
Your Annual Reminder to Move to Vegas
I used to say that Vegas was the best place in the US to live (with a few caveats), as long as you didn’t have to be here the whole year and could travel. And then 2020 came, I couldn’t travel, and I was stuck here for the entire year. To my surprise, I love…
Going Green for Fun and Profit
When we moved from an apartment to a house recently, I saw it as an opportunity to explore energy efficiency. I knew that switching to more efficient alternatives usually doesn’t pay off for a period of time, so I figured we should start immediately and reap the benefits for as long as possible. I was…