• Living in a World Not Built For You

    Living in a World Not Built For You

    I say this not to complain or even to suggest that it should be otherwise, but it occurs to me regularly that I live in a world that was not only not designed for me, but may have been designed for the opposite of me. I’m in Queenstown, New Zealand right now with a couple…

  • Proof in Difficulty

    Proof in Difficulty

    Being funny is an interesting phenomenon. Why are people funny? Why does it matter? Sure it makes you feel good when someone is joking around with you, but so do back rubs and compliments. Why do we like it when people are funny? One theory is that humor is an indicator of intelligence, and we…

  • Do You Want What You Want?

    Do You Want What You Want?

    Two years or so into working on Sett, an experienced entrepreneur friend of mine brought up the topic of taking investment. He thought that we should raise money and was interested in being the first person to invest. So we talked seriously about it. One of the questions he asked was whether I wanted to…

  • Small Difficult Things

    Small Difficult Things

    Want to totally change your life in just one day with one little tip? Too bad, because that’s not how it works. Once in a while a small thing does totally change our lives. Someone happens to say something to us at just the right time and it impacts us forever. Other times we gradually…

  • The Building Mindset

    The Building Mindset

    I remember reading about the famous marshmallow study, the one where they see if kids can delay gratification or not. Reading about it really haunted me, because a psychologist came to my school in third grade and did a similar experiment on us students. We could have an unspecified “big prize” later, or a small…

  • Maintaining a Clear and Positive Mindset

    Maintaining a Clear and Positive Mindset

    My sister told me about a date she went on recently. When she very politely said that she didn’t think they were a good match, the guy went nuts and said all sorts of rude and outlandish things. Poor guy. He almost certainly knew that he was digging an even deeper hole by saying the…

  • Finally Changing Patterns

    Finally Changing Patterns

    If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, it’s probably very obvious to you that I am terrible at marketing. My preferred method of marketing is to not do it at all and hope that good things happen. This generally works to some extent thanks to you, my readers. Over almost ten years I’ve…

  • Home Automation

    Home Automation

    I don’t think I’ve written about it before, but I’ve been into home automation for a really long time. I can’t remember exactly when I started automating things, but it was definitely no later than 1999, seventeen years ago. Back then I used something called X-10. It was flaky, and if you wanted more than…

  • My Six Secrets for Always Being Happy

    My Six Secrets for Always Being Happy

    I know objectively that I did not have a great Tuesday. I woke up well rested, had my tea, got some unexpected work done, and had lunch. I felt prepared. I was entered into a tournament at the World Series of Poker, one where I got 12th last year, and I was hoping to do…

  • How I Travel

    I’ve been traveling consistently now for over eight years. In that time I’ve visited around seventy countries, many of them several times. But how I travel has changed considerably over those years. While I might think that there are some “wrong” ways to travel, I don’t think that there is one correct way to do…