• Planning for Chaos

    Planning for Chaos

    One of two things is true: either you will experience chaos in life, or you are setting your sights drastically too low. With even medium-sized goals, you’re going to occasionally run into a time where you’ve underestimated a project, or someone has slacked and pushed work onto your plate, or a great opportunity arose and…

  • Acceptance


    I did the math again. Fifteen minutes to get to the car rental place, five minutes to check out, five minutes to wait for the shuttle, fifteen minutes to get to the airport, five minutes to get through security, two minutes to run to my gate. That was forty-seven minutes to get to a plane…

  • The Vaue of Spontaneity

    The Vaue of Spontaneity

    I woke up yesterday morning prepared to grind away at Cruise Sheet all day. This is actually a great type of day for me– I love non-workout days when I have the whole day to block off and make huge amounts of progress. I always start the same way, though: tea and email. In my…

  • Enough Learning

    Enough Learning

    The past dozen or so years of my life have been dedicated mostly to learning and growth. Not totally singlemindedly, of course; I’ve traveled around and done fun things and have also put out a respectable body of work, but most of my focus has been on improvement. And I needed it. I learned social…

  • Flexible Lessons

    Flexible Lessons

    I never published it, but I wrote a post a while back about how watching TV was my canary in the coalmine. If I wanted to watch TV, that was a surefire sign that I wasn’t fully engaged in my work, and that I needed to take a look at what was causing that. I’ve…

  • ​Accessible Art: Japanese Woodblock Prints

    ​Accessible Art: Japanese Woodblock Prints

    During a six hour layover in Honolulu, my friend Brian and I went to the Honolulu Museum of Art. The museum is really cool and worth a visit for just about anyone passing through the city. They have the standard sort of stuff, but I was most impressed with their Asian collection. In particular, the…

  • The Two Year Writing Challenge is Over

    The Two Year Writing Challenge is Over

    I can tell you one thing: I’m definitely not writing a blog post tomorrow. Two years ago I agreed to be accountable to a friend for writing a blog post every single day for two years. If I failed to do it, I would have to pay $10,000. I could skip once per month and…

  • Don’t Be Offended

    Don’t Be Offended

    My friend Sebastian has a great way of asking simple questions that create good discussions. We were talking about someone getting offended at something and he asked the not-quite-rhetorical question: why do people get offended? You and I, he said, never get offended. Being offended seems to have become a national, if not international, pastime.…

  • The Thin Line Between Obligation and Opportunity

    The Thin Line Between Obligation and Opportunity

    I’ve been really excited to work on Cruise Sheet recently. I’ve made some big strides and am now an actual cruise agency rather than a web site that creates affiliate links. It’s still fairly similar, but now I can control the experience the whole way through and the increase in revenue makes it look more…

  • Every Day is Christmas

    Every Day is Christmas

    I remember waking up as a kid on Christmas, heavy with anticipation. Waking up early never came naturally to me, but usually I was up before seven in the morning. It wasn’t just that good things were about to happen to me, it was that those good things were also surprises. As I woke up…