Superhuman 2 Event in March 2019
I’ve been hearing back recently from some of the attendees of the first event and have been blown away by the progress that they’ve been making. Talking to them has motivated me to schedule the next event and work with a new group of people. The event will be two days of working closely with…
Brain Training
There is one fundamental tool I use all the time, because it’s so adaptable. I use it for myself and for a large number of my clients. I don’t know if there’s some official name for it, but I think of it as brain training. We will all naturally gravitate towards activities that we find…
Why Drinking Alcohol is a Bad Idea
This post was suggested by a drinker, which I thought was pretty funny. He goes back and forth on it, though, so maybe he’s on the fence and I can help push him to one side (hopefully my side). I don’t drink. I’ve had five sips total in my life, three of them accidental. I’ll…
The Starting Out Blueprint
When I asked readers and friends for blog post ideas, one of the most common I got was what they’d suggest for someone just starting out. One guy said a 15 year old homeless orphan (I guess to remove any possibility of a leg up), and another asked about his teenage son, but the gist…
If You Haven’t Made Progress in a Year
You never know how your year is going to go. I often try to predict mine, and my predictions are usually nowhere close to what actually happens. Nearly inevitably, though, I make a bunch of progress in one way or another. If that wasn’t the case, major alarm bells would be ringing. Major major alarm…
The Magic of Transoceanic Cruises
I’m currently on a cruise, which is really where I’d be for most of the year if I had my way. While I do love all cruises to some extent, there is a certain secret type of cruise that is by far the best type: The Westbound Transatlantic or it’s more rare cousin, The Westbound…
What It’s Like Sharing Properties With Friends
I get tons of questions about what it’s like sharing property with friends, which makes me happy because I assume that it means that other people are thinking about doing the same thing. I stumbled upon it by accident, but shared property with friends is one of the major awesomeness-multipliers in my life. My first…