• My Dilemma

    The one problem I have with this site is that the more it grows, the less I can write. My life is essentially an open book, but I try to respect the privacy of my friends. If one friend does something funny but slightly embarassing, I don’t write about it. But it’s not just my…

  • Gangsta Picture of the Day

    Click Here To Get Gangstaedit: removed the picture and put up a link so that it works This is from last Thursday when I was at the Motorola XE Launch party at Tao in the Venetian in Vegas. That seems like more description than necessary. I thought that I knew how to work the club…

  • Awesome Sites That You Don’t Know About

    A while back someone asked me what sites I like to visit. I forgot to answer, so I’ll write a post about it.

  • First Page Search Results for Tynan

    How cool is that? If you search for my first name, Tynan, this blog comes up fifth on google! I check where I rank on a bunch of keywords every once in a while, and this is the first time I’ve been on the first page. Hopefully soon I will be the first search result.…

  • 10 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Improve Your Life

    My biggest criticism with personal development, self improvement, or whatever you want to call it, is that a lot of it is theoretical or has little effect on your life NOW. Of course, most people become interested in personal development because of problems they’re facing immediately, which creates a perfect setup for disappointment. Thinking back…

  • Polyphasic vs. Monophasic Deathmatch

    Ok, I just added the “Deathmatch” to make this seem a little sexier. It’s been 4 nights or so on monophasic sleep and I feel like I have a good basis to compare them. Overall, there are some pretty big surprises. The most significant is that I’m back to sleeping a full 8 hours. The…

  • Zen Picture of The Day

    Zen Picture of The Day

  • The Paragliding Fiasco

    Do you know what a paraglider is? It is perhaps the best invention of the past one thousand years – a cross between a hang glider and a parachute. It is somewhat of the best of both worlds – it packs into a large backpack, but when unpacked and put into the wind takes shape.…

  • Too Busy to Post Right Now

    Sorry… I was really trying to do it every day. I had a good story for today, but I don’t have the time to do it justice, so I’m going to delay it. Some quick points of interest : I may be getting a “real” job. Not the kind of job boring peons get, but…

  • Value, Price, and Cost

    The concept of Value vs. Price is one that I am inexplicably fascinated by. Maybe it’s the fact that most people ignore it entirely, or maybe it’s because following its principles virtually guarantees success in any area. Most people do not understand the difference between value and price or, at the very least, greatly underestimate…