• Ice Cold

    Wow. Is this three posts in three days? It’s like the good old days. Remember those? So, today I wake up and go through my normal routine. Read e-mails, listen to voicemails, eat some breakfast, say hi to my beautiful fishies, etc. Time for the shower. I turn the water to hot and weigh myself…

  • The Taxman

    I walk down to my stupid community mailbox to check my mail. The idiocy of these types of mailboxes strikes me, as it has every other time I’ve checked my mail. Bills. Magazines. Junk Mail. A package slip! I couldn’t remember what I ordered, but that happens a lot. I start driving towards the post…

  • The Ladies’ Room

    Ok, serious question here: what would happen if I started habitually using the ladies’ room? I’m sitting at JFK airport right now, and I just went to the men’s bathroom. It’s filthy. I mean filthy filthy. Some of the displays of filth are so bad that I can only assume people have never used toilets…

  • Mystery’s Song

    I’m on my way to Maine this afternoon, which means I’ve been too busy packing and stuff to write a good post. Oh well – happens to the best of them. A few people have recently asked about the song I made for Mystery, so I thought I’d post it so that people can rock…

  • 8 Health Foods That Are Bad For You

    Yesteday Todd and I were choosing a place to go to lunch. I normally go to Whole Foods because they have healthy delicious food, unlike almost everywhere else. However, we wanted to try somewhere new. How about Veggie Heaven? I’d never been there before, despite living across the street from it for two years. I…

  • Mexico


    As I may have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of cruises. Although I haven’t gone on one yet this year, I usually go on at least one or two every year. Where the cruise actually goes is wholly unimportant to me. Half the time I sleep through the stops anyway, and just stay…

  • A Busy Week

    Wow, that was a really busy week. I’m not used to being busy at all – back in the day I had all the free time I could possibly imagine. Maybe it’s about time to revisit polyphasic sleep? Here are some things that made me busy : Work, of course. I’ve been waiting for weeks…

  • The (near) Future of Tynan

    If you’re wondering why I always put my name in the topics of these things, it’s not because I have a huge ego. I do have a huge ego, but I do it so that my name gets better search rankings in google. My goal is for people to be able to search for “Tynan”…

  • Random Gifts

    I woke up and stumbled to the front door to check for packages. I wasn’t really expecting one, but you can never be too sure. To my surprise there was a small brown box waiting on the doorstep for me. What had I ordered? I couldn’t remember. I walked back inside and tore the package…

  • Get a Deal on a Treo 700p

    So yesterday the Treo 700p was finally released. For those who don’t know, this phone is the new hotness. It has 128mb of ram, a 1.3 megapixel camera, and EVDO high speed internet. If you aren’t a big nerd, then take my word for it – it’s great. You can even stream TV and movies…