• 8 Things You Don’t Really Have to Do

    We grow up being told what to do and what not to do and can’t wait until we’re adults and can do whatever we want. When we finally get there, there are new people like bosses, cool people on TV, and the government who try to tell us what to do again. I don’t mind…

  • The Great Brain

    Right now I’m sitting at Casa De Luz waiting for my friend to get here. I’m using a cool wireless card from Sprint, which is my main internet connection now. For those of you who are nerds, I downloaded at 160k/sec while driving in my car. Pretty wild. Anyway, sorry for not writing frequently lately.…

  • Tynan (The Name)

    Now that I’m #1 on Google for my name, I’ve been getting more people to the site searching for that. Many of them share my name, which is awesome. My parents chose the name out of a name book randomly. They wanted me to have a name that had no previous associations with anyone else.…

  • Tynan (The Name)

    Tynan (The Name)

    Now that I’m #1 on Google for my name, I’ve been getting more people to the site searching for that. Many of them share my name, which is awesome. My parents chose the name out of a name book randomly. They wanted me to have a name that had no previous associations with anyone else.…

  • Tynan (The Name)

    Now that I’m #1 on Google for my name, I’ve been getting more people to the site searching for that. Many of them share my name, which is awesome. My parents chose the name out of a name book randomly. They wanted me to have a name that had no previous associations with anyone else.…

  • Tynan (The Name)

    Now that I’m #1 on Google for my name, I’ve been getting more people to the site searching for that. Many of them share my name, which is awesome. My parents chose the name out of a name book randomly. They wanted me to have a name that had no previous associations with anyone else.…

  • Google Screwed Me Over?

    I hate Paypal. In the early days of gambling I used Paypal to send money to casinos, and Paypal would occasionally screw me over. They held all deposits to casinos for 30 days so that if the casino went under, players wouldn’t get screwed. That was nice of them. One time I deposited $10k and…

  • Not So Materialistic

    Not So Materialistic

    If any one thing defines me, besides supreme awesomeness and authentic gangsta flavor, I’d say that it’s my materialistic bent. The fact of the matter is that I usually love buying things. I love finding the best deals, I love buying the best of things (yeah, sorry… had to put that project on hold for…

  • Book, #1 on Google, Blog, Panama, etc.

    Hey guys. Everyone once in a while I feel the need to have one of these posts two write about little things that don’t really deserve their own posts. First, my book is doing great! The most important thing is that people are really enjoying it and getting a lot out of it. The less…

  • Bad Check Bounty Hunter

    Bad Check Bounty Hunter

    Ok guys, I’ve been a jerk. I’m free and clear from any sort of job but I work just as much as ever and haven’t been writing here often enough. At least the adsense is gone! Now the only ad is my book. I hope that I make up for it here, because I think…