From Singapore to Thailand
As you can clearly tell from the little asterisk on the itinerary on the right, Todd and I parted ways temporarily for a few days. His cousins were in Thailand so he headed up there by plane and seaplane from Singapore while I intended to take a train all the way there. Things didn’t quite…
MaxDiet Week: Objections
Here are a few objections raised in the comments. Although I’ve answered a few already, I want to put the bulk of them together in one spot. 1. Other things are dangerous too. Why eat healthy if you’re not going to take EVERY precaution? This is a pretty good question, especially aimed at me because…
MaxDiet Week: What to Eat?
Refined flours and sugars are out. Meat is out. When people hear this, they often say, “wow… what’s left?” It’s a sad statement on our current food system when that question is asked, because it shows how far from eating healthy we’ve gone. The two least healthy things a human can readily digest have become…
MaxDiet Week: What’s Wrong With Meat?
Cutting out sugars and refined flours, as we talked about last time, probably offers the most significant opportunity to improve your diet. Unlike sugar, meat is not all bad. It does in fact have nutrients in it which are readily used by your body. Unfortunately for steak lovers (my former self included), the negatives associated…
MaxDiet Week: Sugars, Carbs, and What They Mean for Your Weekend
Everything you eat is primarily made up of three macronutrients, or building blocks: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Today I’m going to focus on what I’ve learned about carbohydrates, because they make up the bulk of most people’s diets and they offer the biggest opportunity for diet improvement. I will try to not get too…
Gear Updated
Our original gear list has changed. We’ve added a few gems and have also dumped some poor performing or no longer useful stuff. The Losers: Stuff that hit the trash can. #1 on the loser list, a spot earned for being total failures, are those Solomon XCR Pro 3D shoes. They served me well for…
MaxDiet Week: Introduction
I occasionally mention my diet, which has spawned some questions in a recent thread as well as in my survey results. So this week I’m going to explain my diet in detail, focusing on what I eat, why I eat it, and the facts behind the food. The ideas aren’t mine originally, and I’m certainly…
A couple days ago I read a book recommended by Tyler, whose blog is the only blog I read religiously. Anyway, the book is about mastery, and it really rang true for me. In it the author talks about the different types of people who are NOT masters, and I am pretty clearly one of…
Things I Will Never Know
Boy Meets World was my favorite show ever. I bought a huge clunky VCR from a garage sale, ,and would use it to record every rerun I could find. On Fridays I couldn’t wait to go home and watch the new episodes. But besides providing a world of entertainment and a huge crush on Topanga,…
Things About America I Didn’t Know While I Lived There
We’ve lived in three countries now, which has given me some perspective on America that I didn’t have before. Sure, I’d been to a bunch of countries before (only 15 total!), but things are different when you live there. You learn how the city and the people in it tick. When I left I expected…