Author: Tynan
The Peg System: How to Memorize Lists of Ten in Twenty Seconds
I first learned about the peg system through pickup. The idea was simple: rather than bore a girl with dumb stories about work and parties like every other guy, you teach her an interesting skill. The next day the one guy she remembers is the one who stood out and taught her something. And…
VIDEO: Tour of my RV
I just got my amazing new camera, the Panasonic GF1, so naturally I wanted to put it to use and make a video. Make videos with that thing is a ton of fun, so expect more videos soon (skateboards and mopeds coming up soon). The first video is a tour of my RV, including a…
I Need Your Feedback on Life Nomadic
I’m getting close to having Life Nomadic laid out for print. Before I commit a version of it to something as permanent as paper, I’d like to get your feedback. Specifically: What did you want to hear about that I DIDN’T write about? What did I talk about that you didn’t care about? What was…
Why I Don’t Buy Apple Products
This won’t quite be the Apple bashing that people probably expect. To start off, I don’t hate Apple. I think that they’re a spectacular company that does a lot of very smart things. I think that they build relatively high quality products and do a good job of supporting them. Even if I don’t buy…
Three New Awesome Pieces of Gear
One of the major advantages of having almost no possessions is that I can spend time to make sure that each thing I own really is the best possible product. I spend hours researching alternatives for just about everything major that I own, hoping to find something good enough to warrant the hassle and…
A Simple Accountability System You Can Start Today
There are complicated productivity systems and there are simple ones. Both can be effective, but simple ones are much easier to stick to. Somewhere in the end of my travels abroad this year I fell off the productivity train. Not entirely, but I had reverted back to “doing what needs to be done” instead of…
Life Nomadic is Ready for Download!
Phew… after yet another round of editing and formatting, Life Nomadic is finally available to be downloaded. You’ve already read the first couple chapters, so I won’t tell you what it’s all about. You can read that on the sales page. I’ve decided to go on the honor system and let people pay what they…
Read the First two Chapters of Life Nomadic for Free NOW! + A Contest
As I mentioned last week, I’m about to release the book version of Life Nomadic! It’s just over 150 pages of travel related awesomeness. Here are some of the many topics I talk about in it: Making the transition to a nomadic life Why to be a nomad How to get 40% off (or more)…
VIDEO: The Pacific-Atlantic Road Race
It’s a few days before our car rental is up, and not many more before Todd leaves Panama. This calls for some sort of grand finale. “How long does it take to drive from one ocean to another?” We look it up and find out two key pieces of information. One: it’s a pretty short…
Review of I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
First, a quick recap of my exposure to Tucker Max. At some point I visited his site, and read all of his stories in one sitting. He writes about his escapades, usually drunken sexual rampages, in such a way that someone who has never had a drink is still engaged. I’d check his blog once…