Author: Tynan

  • An Act of Kindness

    Today I came home from having dinner with my parents and I picked up my mail. I hadn’t checked it in a while, so there was a buildup of flyers, bills, and solicitations. Nothing too interesting. As I came to the bottom of the stack I saw a hand written envelope. It wasn’t written to…

  • Everything is Fine. Seriously.

    The news is my least favorite reality show. The reporters are condescending, the stories are horribly boring and are often incorrect. Worst of all, the whole thing is just designed to make you worry. A lot of people love to worry. Some people worry about peak oil. WHO THE HELL CARES? Gas is incredibly cheap.…

  • The Best Suitcase, and how I Lost Mine

    I used to have a bit of an obsession with Zero Halliburton luggage. Look familiar? That’s because bad guys in all the movies use the briefcases to hold their money and bombs. Over the years I kept buying these things, and usually traveled with a huge 26″ suitcase as well as a matching computer case.…

  • Quintessential Man

    When Stan Lee came to UT Austin, everyone was trying to get tickets. Except for me. Stan Lee, for those who are too cool to know, is famous for creating Spiderman, The Hulk, and other comic book characters. I’ve never once read a comic book, and despite being one, I have no particular affinity for…

  • New Site Design and a Rumor

    The new site design is here! Rejoice! It’s not totally done yet, but I think it’s fully functional. I put all the ads back in, and I think that they blend with the site design well enough to not be a pain. I personally use firefox with adblock so that I don’t have to see…

  • My Huge Lie

    Ladies… I’ve been living a lie. Seriously. I’d say that I lie about 2% as often as the average person, maybe even less. However, today I’m going to uncover a huge lie that I’ve been hiding for YEARS now. It’s doubtful that the person who this affects will read it, although maybe if he did…

  • Exploring Airman’s Cave

    Exploring Airman’s Cave

    We sat in the tiny passageway, exhausted. Our muscles were fatigued from overuse. We were over a mile deep into the cave, hours away from the surface, hours away from food, and hours away from water. Had our curiousity finally gotten the best of us? For the first time ever, I was worried for my…

  • How to Get the Best Cell Phone Plan in All the Land

    Wow. I’ve been much busier than I thought, so I haven’t been able to write any updates for a while. Luckily I have a huge layover next week in Phoenix, so I’ll have plenty of time to crank out some stories. Anyway, some friends and I recently switched our cell phone plans to the best…

  • So This is What a Real Job is Like

    From my high horse of self employment, I have stepped into the mud to play with the employed commonfolk. I mentioned a couple times earlier that I was considering getting a real job, but I didn’t want to get into details until it actually happened. It happened. Quitting gambling came abruptly, so I didn’t have…

  • Newsflash : Raw Food Kicked to the Curb!

    Yeah, you heard it here first. And only here. I’m done with raw food. Why, you might ask? The whole reason I was even eating raw in the first place was because it helped with polyphasic sleep. I’m not doing that anymore, so I have to really evaluate the benefits of it. I feel great,…