Author: Tynan
Threesome? Part 2
This is a continuation of the story found here. Immediately things were a bit awkward. “She knows what we’re doing,” I thought. Short glances were exchanged between us, sizing up the situation. Simone and I barely revealed hints of smug grins. Simone suggested giving us manicures. I sat next to Ariel as she filed and…
Threesome? Part 1
Hello. If you’re my mom, please don’t read this. My mom once decided to venture out onto this site and randomly chose an article called I’m Pregnant to read. That happened to be the only non-mom-friendly post. This is another one, so I’m giving you fair warning, mom. Once up on a time in a…
My Assault on Stuff & What I’m Doing Next
My recent war that I’ve been waging has been against stuff. For a while (and by that I mean since 7th grade), I’ve produced my own income and spent most of it on things from the internet. I’ve talked about this before so I won’t bore you with the laundry lists of my posessions. Then…
The Voice Box
I wasn’t going to write this story because I think it was a super crappy thing for me to do and I’m not particularly proud of it. Then I told the story to a friend the other day and cracked up so much that I realized I had to write it. Many years ago, when…
I used to lie a lot when I was a kid. I wasn’t intent on deceiving people, but for some reason I would just tell made up stories. They weren’t even fantastic stories, they were just things that hadn’t happened. I really have no idea why I did it. One day I was hanging out…
Odd and Unimportant Quirks I Have
Nothing fancy today. There are a bunch of things I do that are fairly unique but probably wouldn’t ever come up on this site. Maybe some of them will give you ideas, or maybe you’ll just think I’m weird. To shave I use an old fashioned safety razor and a brush made of the neck…
8 Things You Don’t Really Have to Do
We grow up being told what to do and what not to do and can’t wait until we’re adults and can do whatever we want. When we finally get there, there are new people like bosses, cool people on TV, and the government who try to tell us what to do again. I don’t mind…
The Great Brain
Right now I’m sitting at Casa De Luz waiting for my friend to get here. I’m using a cool wireless card from Sprint, which is my main internet connection now. For those of you who are nerds, I downloaded at 160k/sec while driving in my car. Pretty wild. Anyway, sorry for not writing frequently lately.…
Tynan (The Name)
Now that I’m #1 on Google for my name, I’ve been getting more people to the site searching for that. Many of them share my name, which is awesome. My parents chose the name out of a name book randomly. They wanted me to have a name that had no previous associations with anyone else.…
Tynan (The Name)
Now that I’m #1 on Google for my name, I’ve been getting more people to the site searching for that. Many of them share my name, which is awesome. My parents chose the name out of a name book randomly. They wanted me to have a name that had no previous associations with anyone else.…