Author: Tynan

  • The Daily Routine

    Ok, I want to make sure that I post here frequently, but we haven’t been too much that’s exciting enough to write about. The thing about just picking a day to leave on a huge trip like this is that it’s hard to be totally ready to go. Both of us had projects that we…

  • Conversion Doubler is Done!

    Ahoy! After six months of doing little other than working on it, Conversion Doubler is finished. You can see the rough draft of my copy at YES! It feels great to be done. It came out amazingly well… I’m 100% confident it’s the best product out there. If anyone who reads here would like…

  • Deciding to Go Nomad

    Deciding to Go Nomad

    The blog started right after we got to our first stop here in Panama, but the dream and the planning of going nomadic began about six months prior. I think Todd’s reasons for going are similar to mine, but I’ll speak for myself for now. Traveling has always been one of my favorite things. Ever…

  • Best Buy Super Associates

    Best Buy Super Associates

    We were up in Houston visiting a friend who was very excited about a thrift shop. Normally I’m not a thrift shop kind of guy. I’m too particular about what I buy and I just don’t like shopping that much. But this time I was excited. Located on the bad side of town in a…

  • Two Weeks in Panama

    Two Weeks in Panama

    Boy, what an exciting title! We’ve been here for almost two weeks. Living in a new place makes you notice all of the little things. Things that would never be written in a guidebook, because they’re too insignificant, but together create the atmosphere you live in. We haven’t had much of a chance to go…

  • Eating Healthy (Vegan) In Panama City

    Eating Healthy (Vegan) In Panama City

    My one and only concern before beginning the trip was that I might have to give up my diet. Those of you who read my person blog know that I eat Vegan and also avoid processed flour and sugar. Todd has also pretty much adopted this diet. For the curious, we eat like that because…

  • The Near Future of BTYB

    I don’t expect to be posting very much here for the forseeable future, maybe once or twice a month. Most new and exciting things that I’m up to are related to Life Nomadic, so make sure you check for my posts (and subscribe to the RSS) there. The good news is that I will be…

  • We Found an Apartment!

    We Found an Apartment!

    Todd and I have a tendency to not plan anything. Last year when we went to Japan we had no plans and nowhere to stay when we landed there. Life Nomadic 2008 is no different. Before we left I spent a considerable amount of time trying to find a an apartment to rent online. We…

  • The Gear of Life Nomadic

    To say that we packed light is an understatement. We packed super light. Someone recently told me a saying that stuck in my mind. “No one ever wishes they packed heavier.” So true. With fewer baggage comes more freedom, and that’s exactly what we’re after. Still, when Todd suggested that we take only a small…

  • First Impressions of Panama (Day 2)

    First Impressions of Panama (Day 2)

    We’ve been in Panama for two days now, but it seems like weeks. There’s obviously still TONS to explore around the city, but I’m already comfortable here and it even feels a bit familiar. First of all, I love it. For me it has the ideal balance between chaos and structure. It’s very safe… people…