Today I donated money to a politician for the first time in my life. It was only $100, but I expect that I will donate the maximum $2300 soon. Who was the lucky recipient of my somewhat-hard-earned-cash?
Ron Paul, of course.
Ron Paul is amazing. Unlike every other modern politician I’ve ever heard of, he is principled in a way that reminds me of the founding fathers. He has his positions and he sticks to them no matter WHAT. He is probably the ONLY person in Congress who has always voted consistently every time.
When he’s asked questions he answer THE QUESTION ASKED (unlike every other politician who just says whatever will make them look good), and he does so in a smart way, citing historical examples to back up his points.
Of course… this is only good if he has good positions.
And he does.
He believes in freedom an PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. As you know, I love personal responsibility. His idea is to follow the constitution and allow everyone to make their own decisions and face the consquences. For example, he will abolish the IRS and replace it with… NOTHING. We had no income tax before 1913, and even today with our insane budgets, it’s only responsible for 1/3 of our income.
We can then spend money on what we WANT to spend it on.
He believes in cutting all the stupid government programs. Medicaid, welfare, etc. Let people KEEP the money they earn and spent it how they want.
He wants to get out of this stupid war we’re in and rebuild America’s reputation as an awesome country. Right now everyone hates us. I hate the way the country’s going so much that I’m LEAVING in two months. If Ron Paul wins I might come back.
He wants to get rid of the federal reserve, which is actually a non-governmental institution. It’s privately run, which gives a small group of people tremendous power over our country. Without it we can eliminate inflation.
Anyway… if you want to learn more about him, people have described his positions much better than I ever could. Watch youtube.
Here’s the thing…
… He can actually win.
Vegas odds are incredibly accurate. They’ve never failed to predict a presidential election. Right now Guiliani is at a 33% chance to win. Ron Paul is at 12.5%.
But… a few months ago he was at .5%! Giuliani is just treading water.
People are finally getting sick of the insulting and ridiculous politics that are going on in the country. Everyone who hears about Ron Paul likes him. It’s impossible not to because he’s so refreshingly honest and SMART. You listen to what he says and it’s obvious that he GETS IT.
All he needs now is money to buy media so that people will hear about him. Only 30% of Republicans even know who he is.
Next year you’re going to pay a ton of money in taxes… unless Ron Paul wins. If he wins you’ll be done with taxes, so think of your donation as a hedge against taxes.
Today (November 5th) many people have agreed to donate money. He’s already raised half a million and it’s only 4am. The more he raises TODAY the more free press he will get. No other candidate can get support from the people like this. DO IT.
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