Understanding Pickup

Mystery’s show on VH1, The Pickup Artist, has gotten a lot of mainstream attention. As a result there are scores of people in that audience trying to wrap their minds around this whole “pick up thing”.

I’ve read a few message boards where people are discussing the show, and almost universally trying to discredit the pick up. Why are people so against pickup? First instinct might be to assume that girls would be against it, but that guys would all be excited about it. Think about it – it promises to fulfill the #1 goal for nearly every man on the planet.

Here’s what I think is happening.

There are two big categories of men who have problems with pickup. I’m going to talk first about the small group, and then about the bigger group.

The small group, which by definition are also an outspoken group, are the natural alpha-male types. They were discussing the show in the Tucker Max Forums, where a lot of these guys are. These are guys who have NEVER had problems with women. They naturally picked up enough attractive habits and qualities that they’ve never had long periods of time where they couldn’t get girls. It’s natural, and even correct, for them to hear about this stuff and say, “What kind of loser would need this? Getting girls is EASY. Why would you possible wear a stupid hat?”

While I don’t necessary agree with their attitude, I don’t have much of a problem with this group. Pickup isn’t for them anyway. They already get it. Sure, we take their qualities, amplify it, and do it better than they do. We can appear natural if we want to, although going over the top is more effective. But the bottom line is that they’re satisfied and don’t need pickup to get girls. Fair enough.

The second group of haters are generally the worst section of society. I’m talking about the people who are so close minded that the solution to a problem can be thrust in front of their face and they’ll look the other way. Unless an idea is force fed to them, foie gras style, they won’t recognize it.

Pickup works. It’s a fact that I’ve witnessed and lived. Done correctly, there is really no valid criticism against it. It is positive towards women. It is focused on self improvement. You don’t become someone else, you become a better version of yourself. Pickup artists have gotten book deals, TV deals, and are collectively paid millions of dollars per year. Despite taking in the least attractive guys, we get very few complaints. Still, these people submit to their knee jerk reaction and believe, “Nope. That can’t be real.”

Most of the media caters to that very idea. Why? If the media became something that we had to THINK about, we’d be upset. As a society, we enjoy sitting in front of the idiot box and getting our beliefs fed to us. As long as the beliefs they feed aren’t far away from what we already believe, we accept them as fact and move on. If they reported that pickup worked, every guy in America would have to think about his life and think about what it could be.

A friend of mine is the founder of one of the major pickup companies. He told me that a reporter came to do a story on him, but that it never got published. Why? The reporter later confessed to him that he was instructed to trash them, but refused to because he discovered that they were legit. His editor WOULDN’T ALLOW HIM to write positively about pickup.

I’ve found that the more I disregard public opinion and mainstream knowledge, the more success and happiness I’ve found. Following the mainstream is a great way to have a very average life.

The Neg

I’ve got to write about this too, because the neg is the most misunderstood and most often criticized piece of pickup strategy. This is ironic, but still not surprising, since the neg might take up 5 seconds AT MOST of the entire pickup process, which often lasts for hours.

The media, as well as detractors from pickup, like to call the neg an insult. That’s not what it is. There was recently a study by scientists, which was covered by the Freakonomics Blog, that discusses people insulting their partners. Steven Levitt, the author, calls this negging. It’s not.

Here’s what negging is, plain and simple. When you approach a woman, you are implicitly putting her on a pedestal. You’re saying, “Because you’re so beautiful and I’m just some average guy, I will make the effort to come talk to you.” The neg is a quick jab not intended to lower her self esteem, but rather intended to let her know that you are confident enough to be yourself around her.

A classic neg is pretending to pick a piece of lint off her sweater. Does that make her feel bad about herself? No. It just shows that she’s NOT on a pedestal, and that you’ll treat her like a normal human being. It remedies the awkward imbalance of social power that comes with any interaction where you approach her.






24 responses to “Understanding Pickup”

  1. Donovan Avatar

    Great post Tynan. Definitely, hit the mark with this “primer” to the misunderstood.

  2. Doug Avatar

    Solid post. I’ll pass this link along to critics that I meet both in real life and online.

  3. Patrick Avatar

    The foie gras metaphor was one of the best lines I’ve read in a while. That mess was all over KLBJ. And oddly enough, I’ve actually had a girl who read The Game call me on that lint opener.

  4. Sir Turj Avatar
    Sir Turj

    “It remedies the awkward imbalance of social power that comes with any interaction where you approach her.”

    Such a good point, Tynan! That’s the key right there.

  5. Carl of PseudoPo Avatar
    Carl of PseudoPo

    Right on!!!

    I love your reference to the idea that the media only caters to the beliefs of the masses. Then again, you’re catering to my anti-mass beliefs.

    The real question is… how to get something adopted as a mass belief? I guess there needs to be an idea or concept so good that you can’t ignore it. Kinda like the computer. It’s funny to see some old guys still rejecting it.

    Nice article.

  6. Halobenzene Avatar

    Society would not work without the common bread-and-butter type folks, who just adopt whatever “facts” are shoved down their throats. It’s these folks who uphold social norms and keep society in order.

    Similarly, it’s these same folks who make pickup possible. Pickup methods work simply because women constantly exposed to supplicating men (who of course adopted the societally imbued belief that you have to supplicate to get laid). Negs are simply potent because it sets you apart from the average guy whose first response to a good looking woman is to throw a compliment or buy her a drink.

    So show some respect for the majority who live averagely so others can live magnificent lives.

  7. Halobenzene Avatar

    Society would not work without the common bread-and-butter type folks, who just adopt whatever “facts” are shoved down their throats. It’s these folks who uphold social norms and keep society in order.

    Similarly, it’s these same folks who make pickup possible. Pickup methods work because women are constantly exposed to supplicating men (who of course adopted the societally imbued belief that you have to supplicate to get laid). They set the bar low so you can contrast yourself to them, establishing yourself as one of higher value.

    So show some respect for the majority who live averagely so others can live life awesome LOL.

  8. Ryan Avatar

    I have a completely different take on this, Tynan.

    I think people’s tendencies to discredit pick-up artistry has to do with some fundamentals that are hard to ignore.

    I don’t think people in general buy the altruistic angle that you and the pick-up community are trying to sell. At the heart of pickup, it’s not about making everybody better people at the end of the day, no matter how many times you say it. It’s about deceiving and manipulating people to get what you want. Period. There is no way around that.

    You can spin it and try to make a case for altrustism, as you often do, but anyone with an analytical bone in their body can see that the fundamental mechanics of the game are based in deception and manipulation, which are far from altruistic qualities.

    The show on VH1 is a perfect example of this. Those guys (the pick-up artists) come off as nothing more than novel greasebags, if not just silly little men.

    I don’t mean this as an attack, I’m just trying to paint a very clear picture of my perception, and what I assume to be many other’s perceptions as well.

    By the way, I saw a girl wearing your hat for a split second on the show. Nice work.

    Sorry I missed you in NY, maybe next time.

  9. Ryan Avatar

    I just reread my previous comment and realized that I came off as a real dick. I assure you that was not my intention. It was my intention, however, to write “altruism” as opposed to “altrustism” which, to my knowledge, is not a word. 🙂

  10. Seamless Ian Avatar
    Seamless Ian

    Oh Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan.

    Getting laid is only the tip of the iceberg. Learning the game is about so much more. I think for the majority of men, its about becoming a more complete person by learning to express yourself honestly without all the crazy insecure psychological bullshit we accidentally get stuck in our heads. Its about being happy and making connections with other people (girls AND guys), enjoying life, and enhancing it for other people.

    Sure, some of the guys who couldn’t get girls and have since learned how are selfish and manipulative. Its validating to have girls want you. Its addictive. It feels good.

    But ideally, “pickup” is for guys who love girls but don’t know how to express it. I love girls. I love the way the smell, I love the sound of their laughs, I love the feel of their touch. I love the look on a girl’s face after we spend a Saturday afternoon flying a kite in a grassy field, then once it gets dark enjoying strawberries and whipped cream in the park on a blanket by candlelight. That look that says I made her feel beautiful and alive, that she’ll go home and fall asleep smiling.

    The game is for guys who love to make every muscle in her body spasm with pleasure. Its for guys who want to be ready when they finally find the girl whose aura is radiating with life and glowing with femininity.

    Its for guys who will go out of their way to make an unattractive girl feel appreciated even though she lives in a shallow culture where youth and good genes are more important than personality and character.

    You think pickup is about manipulating, deceiving, and getting what you want. Go flirt with a 55 year old woman who works at Dillards. Hold the door and smile at a fat single mom. Make a person who looks like they’re having a shitty day laugh. Then go pick up an drunk insecure 22 year old at a bar just because you’re horny and you want to prove something to yourself and your friends, and the next morning when you’re depressed despite the above average sex you had with a girl whose name was Christy or HBTattoo or something that started with a J (if your memory serves you correctly), decide what you want pickup to be about.

    Much love,
    Funk Demon

  11. leo Avatar

    wow, it’s been a long long time since I last visit this website.

    And I am rather Glad to read what you wrote Tynan, and I am also happy to see what Funk Demon wrote!

    To be honest, I just know around 60 members of brazilian community online, and I’ve met a few of them.

    There are some guys who thinks just like F.Demon, Tynan and myself, but most of them consider pickup as manipulating and faking and all of that.

    But Truth be told, those are the guys who don’t get laid.

  12. Abu Avatar

    It’s OK, because we don’t want everybody on the planet to know and use the skills anyway. So, let them hate, and miss out.

  13. Matt Sharky Avatar
    Matt Sharky

    You know it’s funny. I’ve actually told girls about the pick-up community at a bar. I went into the explanation of the psychological dynamics. They all laughed at me, including my male friends. I thought to myself, oh well. I grabbed a beer, met back with the group of girls proceeded with a few negs, followed by kino escalation. When the the bar closed they wanted to know “What’s the plan after the bar”. I invited them over to my apartment. No sex, but they wanted my number and wanted to hang next weekend. I said ” The drinks are on you girls next time”, they all agreed enthusiastically. —- You know it’s funny how women don’t even understand themselves. I would like to thank the PUA community for all the hard work.

  14. Cash Avatar

    I must admit that when i first discovered the community my initial perception was that it was manipulative. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it and thought it offered me the tools I needed to get something I’d always wanted. But it did feel that it was based on tricks, games and techniques that would somehow fool a girl in to being attracted. People i talk to outside of the community still have this perception.

    The community creates this problem for itself in many ways. For those who perhaps aren’t bright enough to realise otherwise, pickup seems to be all about Negs, The Cube, The Jealous Girlfriend Opener etc. But all that stuff is just bullshit to cover up what is really going on.

    Girls WANT guys that are confident, challenging and that will make their lives more exciting. They don’t want guys who are boring or needy. Pickup is about giving girls what THEY want! Never forget that.

  15. evolveguide Avatar

    A very very beatifull post tynan. It’s one of the best i’ve seeon the mainstream vs. pickup issue.

  16. NaturalMen Avatar

    there’s a good side and bad side to the game just like Neil pointed out.

    Ryan missed some points. It’s not about manipulation and deceiving women but there are persuasion and influence tactics involved. But with anything in life there is some form of persuasion.
    The good is men becoming better with women and accepting new roles and attitudes and adopting new behaviors. Otherwise you end up with depressed men with a bitterness towards women after their girlfriend dumps them and they find it hard to talk to another woman.
    The bad I’ve seen from the community is the snobby and judgemental attitudes I’ve seen arise. Guys telling guys not to date anyone but 8’s through 10’s. Guys telling guys not to befriend fat girls because they lower your value. Guys giving guys tips on stealing or sleeping women in committed relationships. And guys referring to the majority of guys outside of the community as AFC! This in no way is helping men become better. It’s only putting a black eye on the community. We don’t need this. We need men to step up and be men, not boys pretending to be men. As much as I defend the community I also wont turn a blind eye to some of the darkness within. Good post though.

  17. Animus Avatar

    That which you resist persists.. that which you accept u gain power to use 😉

  18. No 7evens Avatar
    No 7evens

    To say that a “pick-up” in the singular comes about through more than manipulation or deception, or that it is about expressing yourself honestly, etc. is just incorrect. Nobody has ever ached to “get a female’s opinion,” or ask if “you see that fight outside.” The pick-up may indeed be an art, but that does not make it the undeniable, most legitimate way to meet women that most here make it out to be. Many who post here argue that the Pick-up is about finding and building relationships, but those same people base their opinions on coming up with ways to meet women at bars. I don’t have scientific proof, but I am willing to bet that for every life-long relationship started in a bar with published pick-up techniques, there are hundreds that don’t make it to the next morning.

    While Ryan may have come off as a dick, I have yet to read a compelling argument for the pick-up as more than a means to a short tryst, and for that I hope I hope to come off as as much of a dick to warrant a reasonable response.

  19. I've Read The Ga Avatar
    I’ve Read The Ga

    It can go both ways. I’ve read The Game and I’ve read Mystery’s Method (both versions long and short) and I tell ya it’s up to the person to take what they will.

    Someone can either look at the elements of social engineering and manipulate an outcome or take the precepts of the game and better their lives.

    I personally don’t yearn for sex (read Extramask’s de-virgining in the book) and that’s how I’ve felt. The person I do connect with is Juggler as he is genuinely looking for a connection with a person.

    Not a quick lay but a person. I genuinely search for a connection with someone on a human to human basis. Sharing one life experience to another.

    The community gives the tools and processes to allow an outcome. Some people see lemons and some people will see lemonade short of a few steps.

  20. Solomon Avatar

    Interesting but it doesnt work for me. Extremely frustrating.

  21. Casper Avatar

    There is a huge misconception about this. I met Mystery and he is a great guy and a very DRIVEN guy. He is a little eccentric but he’s also a genius. What he is doing is helping guys to increase their own value in a way that propels them to new heights in their lives and as a great side effect they get women. Not only that, but their CHOICE of women. There’s nothing negative or manipulative about it. Women play their games all the time and nothing is publicized about it. This is a way for men to even the playing field a little bit.

  22. Bridget Carter Avatar
    Bridget Carter

    Tynan! hey man hows it goin? this is the only way i know how to contact you…i haven’t been working as much at the Daily Juice (I’m sure you’ve noticed). But i wanted to invite you and Todd to an art show that I’ve been organzing and curating. It’s this saturday (17th) from 3-9pm. I hope you get this in time. If you’re interested email me at: [email protected]…hope you’re well and i hope it’s ok that i’ve contacted you this way! miss seeing you guys! peace and love -bridget

  23. M Avatar

    Its really too bad that most people are sheep. It hurts everyone, but no one so much as the sheep themselves, because they never get to live life to its fullest. it makes me sad.

  24. Prophdng Avatar

    Deleting a post because I’m not sure how I feel about this these days

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