The Legend of the Sequin Hat

The Legend of the Sparkly Hat

Anyone who has seen me in real life, seen pictures, or realized that the awesome cartoon at the top of this page is me, knows that I wear a sparkly hat almost all the time.

One day I a friend called to see if I wanted to check out “First Thursday”. It’s a monthly event here in Austin where the stores on South Congress stay open late and serve beer. Since none of them have a liquor license, they give away the alcohol for free.

We walked door to door, inspecting the wares of each vendor. There were furniture stores, clothing stores, home decor stores, and even a small organic grocer. We stumbled into a store with an ambiguous name. Only after walking in did I realize that it was a women’s clothing store.

A drunk woman stumbled to me. It was her store.

“I loooooooove your pants!”

I loved my pants too. They were batik / tye dye green and blue pants from Custo Barcelona. She pawed at them and exclaimed,


“Oh… I don’t know. I didn’t realize this was a women’s store.”

She ignored me. “Follow me”

We pressed through the forest of clothing racks and reached a clearing with a single display in the middle of it. The sequins on each hat reflected the halogen lights back with a twinkle. It was a glorious collection of sequined hats, but I was unsure.

“Just try it on,” she urged. She picked up a silver hat with multi colored stars.

I put the hat on my had and turned around to look in the mirror. It was better than I expected. A lot better. I actually liked it. I figured I’d wear it once in a while at clubs, but with nowhere else to put it I wore it for the rest of the night.

Something strange happened, though. Everyone I met complimented the hat, and those that passed by looked at it and smiled. I was convinced and have worn it nearly every day since. Now people recognize me because of it, and I can’t stop wearing it.

Immediately after, my friend Hayden bought two sequinned hats. One is black with silver stars, the other is black with gold stars. Jonah bought a black one with silver stars. A few months later I realized the value of the hat and went back to the store to buy all of them, but they didn’t sell them anymore.

I went to the internet to buy more, but all the internet places sell ill fitting ones. Luckily Tarynn gave me a red one, Adam gave me a blue one with silver and gold moons and stars, and Hayden sold me his two. Next I want to commission someone to cover a hat with swarovski crystals and spell “Tynan” on it.






11 responses to “The Legend of the Sequin Hat”

  1. Sam Avatar

    Aww no pics of the hat?

  2. asdfe Avatar

    It’s unrelated to this post, but every time you put a new post, the rss feed breaks and I have to rebookmark it, making it a pain in the ass. Could you fix your RSS feeds to your site so they stay constant and WORK? Or implement them properly. RSS feed capabilties help with blog popularity.

    Thank you

  3. Ryan Avatar

    I smell a new business venture for you. Sell the hats.

    I want 20% for the idea alone.

  4. Michelle Avatar

    Wow…that hat is certainly eye-catching. I’d probably compliment you on it and then laugh hysterically. Very pimptastic.

  5. Donovan Avatar

    Bro… Nice.

    Hope your doing well, it’s been AGES since we last spoke. Good times!

  6. Motown Avatar

    Talking of all things sparkly…did u know that shiney building in your header pic, is suppsedly designed to look like an owl? Some nut on a conspiracy show here in the UK reckoned that the bank whose building it is, are owned by the Illuminati, the secret society who run the world, and whose lolo is an owl. Spooooooky!

  7. Motown Avatar

    for “lolo” read “logo”…damn my typing!

  8. Streetwise keeb Avatar
    Streetwise keeb

    I had a similar sort of thing happen with my (now) favorite hat. Im now convinced that wearing a fly hat makes any outfit. Your def looks cool.

  9. Sarah Avatar

    Wow..what an awesome story…is the part about south congress really true? would love to meet you down there if it is still happening these days…lol..and I just wanted a hat recently..I saw one at SXSW…a shop on 6 street…i saw the most awesome cap there..sort of a london looked incredible on everyone I saw try it own…now i have to find the website so my friend can buy me one for my birthday next week 🙂
    Im so glad i found your cool…please write more.

  10. Sarah Avatar

    So where do I find the book..”Make Him Chase You” not doing something right…unlessssss…hey..maybe he read ur book..and he is making me chase…funny…

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