Tag: Money
What I Know About Making Money Self Publishing on Amazon
I have four books that I’ve published myself. Three are on Amazon as paperbacks and Kindle, and a fourth is only available on Kindle. Despite all sorts of other projects I’ve worked on, my books represent nearly all of my income. Just ten years ago, before good self-publishing tools became available, this would not have…
Wealth Inequality Shouldn’t Matter So Much
A quick preface to say that a lot of people are in real poverty through little or no fault of their own, and that’s a sad thing. I would like for them to have it better, and agree that to some degree it’s worth forcing the richest to pay for them. That said, I think…
Debt is the Opposite of Freedom
Most of us, especially people like you who have come to read this blog, value freedom. And not the corndog and bald eagle variety, but the ability to make a wide range of decisions that affect the outcome of one’s life. Freedom may not be everything; the single billionaire can do almost anything he likes,…
Decoupling Your Finances
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m pretty frugal. I like spending money on things like the island, travel, and good food, but I also like saving money. I spend very little money frivolously, and don’t have an overwhelming appetite for luxury. I don’t make much money, either. I’m content to have enough income to fund my…
How to Be Frugal And Live a Good Life
I think that the way most people spend money is absolutely nuts. I see people buying things they can’t really afford, or things that will have no lasting impact on their lives whatsoever, and I cringe. Be frugal, I want to yell. On the other hand, there are people who go way out of their…
The Greatest Story Ever Told, Starring You
Imagine a story. Maybe it’s a novel or a movie or a long running TV show, whichever you prefer. The beginning of the story is your life so far. It’s been compressed a lot, so it’s not too long, but it has all of the highs and lows, and some of the key moments that…
Why I’ll Be Writing Every Day For Two Years
“Are you kidding me? I’ve been telling everybody that you write a blog post every single day!” Sebastian just learned that I fell off of my writing-every-single-day habit, and became outraged. One thing led to another, and before you know it, we’d shaken hands and a bet was made. Both of us will be writing…
A Somewhat Balanced View on School and Dropping Out
I dropped out of school during my sophomore year of college. I was a little bit scared to do it, but I followed through because I was certain that I didn’t want to get a normal job or do anything else that would make use of a degree. Dropping out was one of the best…
What I Do When I’m Stuck
A quick little post today on my routine that I go through when I’m stuck. Let’s say that I’m programming and I’m hitting a wall, maybe I’m getting frustrated that I can’t figure something out, and I feel like I’m spinning my wheels. Despite being a supreme genius of the universe, this happens to me…
What Shape are You?
This post is a guest post from my friend Brian Sharp My post before this was a kind of therapy / Buddhism / personal growth kind of deal, but I also spend a lot of time thinking about how to run effective teams and to be a responsible, thoughtful manager of people. It is my…