Six Awesome Things

I woke up this morning at 4:46am. I went to sleep at 11:30pm, so that’s approaching reasonable. As soon as I woke up I began thinking of how great some things are, so I got my laptop and now I’m in the dark writing about them. That’s inspirado.

1. Blankets. How cool is it that blankets don’t use any electricity? If I was a supreme deity of the earth and one of my minions said, “Look at those humans. They’re making big cotton pancakes and sleeping underneath them because they think that will keep them warm,” I would seriously question why I built humans in the first place.

It’s just so cool that we generate enough body heat to keep ourselves warm like that. I would expect that it would help maybe, but that we’d still need external heat.

2. Soup. I’m not talking about thin miso soups (although I do like those as well), but rather nice thick hearty soups. Soup is awesome because you can eat it with a spoon or fork (if it’s really thick), but if you’re in a rush you can also drink it. I like that about smoothies too – a nice healthy meal you can drink.

3. Waterproof gear. Last night Todd and I walked a mile and a half to go to our dinner restaurant and back. It wasn’t pouring, but it wasn’t drizzling either. Just a solid light rain. I had my waterproof shoes, pants, and jacket on and I got to walk around in a little bubble of dry and warm comfort. When we got back to the house I was totally dry. Amazing. If I was a jungle animal I would be very jealous about this, probably even more than soup.

4. Couches. Think back on cave man days. There was pretty much nothing that was very comfortable to sit on except possibly the pelt of a woolly mammoth. Yesterday we sat around in the park to look at the Cherry Blossoms. This was totally awesome in every way, but I have to admit that my butt was not super comfortable after a while. Couches are amazing because not only are they very comfortable, but you can also sit on them in a lot of different ways. Chairs are good too, but aren’t nearly as flexible.

5. Dreams. If some tech company invented dreams we would all be so excited about them. Especially white people. But since they’re built in, we don’t really care that much.

“Did you buy a dream last night? I love that I can go to the movies while I sleep!”

Think about it – it’s like a brand new movie, custom tailored to you, that’s SUPER engaging and feels real. Best of all, you get to watch it while you’re SLEEPING, which is something you have to do anyway. I had a weird dream last night about going to my friend Terry’s house to help him find a receipt because he bought my old car in the dream and needed to get it fixed.

6. Soap. Who would have ever thought that we could make a nice smelling goo that, when rubbed on something filthy, will magically make it clean. I have only a very loose grasp of how soap works, so it’s pretty amazing too me. I hate cleaning so much that I can’t imagine how bad it would be without soap.






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