I got back from Boston on the 28th of December, giving me 10 days in Austin before Todd and I leave on the world trip.
Every day counts now.
I’ve been spending TONS of time with my friends. I’ve been slaughtering my backlog of important but not urgent todo items. I’m not wasting a minute. I’m hugging people. I’m making sure that I put aside time for everyone and everything I want to do.
In short, even though it’s a bit hectic (I have four days left to sell my mercedes and my RV), I’m totally enjoying each day AND getting tons of stuff done. The “getting stuff done” part is mostly due to my new productivity system I’ve implemented for 2008. If you’re interested, you can actually read my daily output and productivity levels in the forums’ accountability section.
Anyway, I was thinking… why isn’t EVERY day like this?
I think back to only a few months ago, or even worse, before I started working on conversion doubler. WEEKS would pass by with nothing happening. I’d make baby steps towards my goals. I’d bump into a friend here and there. That’s valuable time I wasted.
I once heard a great quote. I wrote it down as the only line in a text file I always keep on my phone.
“The only thing you’ll regret is the time you’ve wasted.”
MAN. It’s so true.
I’d kill for a week back that I wasted this summer. I have so much to do and I’d love to spend some more quality time with my friends before I leave.
From now on, this is how my days are going to be. What did I do today that was productive? What did I do today that was fun? How about memorable?
And another thing…
I’ve been posting a lot here recently. Every four days for the past three weeks. Nothing to brag about, but an improvement, no? When I’m in the HABIT of doing things, I do MORE of EVERYTHING.
I’ll be honest, the blog is a low priority right now. I have stuff to sell, stuff to give away, stuff to buy, and stuff to throw away. We still don’t have anywhere to stay in Panama. I want to spend as much time as possible with ALL of my friends. But still, I’m so “in the groove” that I post. Right now I’m waiting for a file to upload for Conversion Doubler, so I’m writing a post while I wait.
Yeah.. I’m even working on Conversion Doubler. I almost just went to sleep, but I knew that today would not be a 3 out of 3 if I didn’t do some serious work on it. Then I realized it still wouldn’t be a 3 if I didn’t write this post.
“Want something done? Give it to a busy person.”
That’s the idiom, and it’s true.
By the way… Tyler put out his 2008 goals on his blog. Not to be outdone, I’m stealing two of his… 2000 pages of books read per week and 20 minutes of meditation per day. I’m going to wait until the trip starts, though.
P.S. Want to buy my car or RV? E-mail me.
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