Recently I needed new hosting. I was paying way too much over at HostGator (who later ripped me off!), so I quit and began the search for new hosting.
At first I tried to get a VPS (virtual private server), which is basically a chunk of a real server. This was great until some idiot on my server kept doing SOMETHING that brought the server (including my sites) to its knees.
After that I realized that I didn’t want to have to worry about anyone else screwing up my sites. If they were going to be screwed up, I’d be the guy to do it.
I looked high and low for cheap dedicated servers. Most cheap ones were $60 or so from companies that had just sprung up last month. Reliable companies seemed to have them for $100-300.
Then I found Server A Day. They’re part of, who has been hosting for a LONG time. Over 10 years. Every day they offer one configuration at a fantastic price.
How fantastic? Here’s my server:
P4 1.9ghz
18gb SCSI hard drive x2 (one for backups)
768mb RAM
100mbit port
2500gb bandwidth per month
This isn’t a high end server by any means, but it is many times faster and better than shared hosting like I also have full control over it and can even run my own nameservers (nerd stuff).
This deal is significantly better than the daily deals ever are. Here’s how to get the best deal:
- Check the comments. They often offer freebies for buying one of the last few, or for signing up for a year.
- Check on Fridays. In the comments section they post side deals that are usually better than the main deal.
- Ask them for what you want. If you want today’s deal but you need a second hard drive, often times they’ll just give it to you if you ask before ordering.
- Ask for a custom deal. This is what I did. I posted in the comments exactly what I wanted, and they posted a side deal that matched it exactly.
- Pay for a year in advance. They knocked off $5/mo and gave me an extra 256mb of ram for doing this. There’s no disadvantage really because they will prorate your refund if you decide to cancel (you probably won’t).
The one caveat is that these are unmanaged servers. That means that you have to do EVERYTHING yourself. I’m not a linux guru or anything, and I was able to figure it all out by searching around online. Then again I’m pretty technically inclined and I enjoy stuff like that.
If you order one, tell them Tynan sent you. They jumped through a few hoops for me and I appreciate it.
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