RSS Works!

People always complain about my RSS because it usually works terribly. To be honest, it worked so poorly that all of my attempts to subscribe to my own feed to troubleshoot it have been failures.

Finally I decided that I was going to sit down and figure out what the problem was. After a bunch of dead ends, I FINALLY bit the bullet and disabled all of my plugins and then added them one by one to see if one of them broke it.

It was the plugin that made the chronological archive that used to be in the top right (now it just brings you to a blank page). Good riddance!

Last week I had a new high subscriber count, 960, so hopefully having a feed that actually works will boost that even more.

Hmmm…. no one likes reading a short post, so let’s throw some other little news items in here.

In a week I’m going to Vegas and LA. Vegas to meet a new friend and LA to see my old friends. I should have some interesting things to write about after that.

Todd and I have been fleshing out dates and routes for the first Life Nomadic three-month trip of 2009. It’s hard to contain all we want to do in such a short period of time. We’ve found a couple really cool things we’re going to do, and we may leave a week early to learn to kite surf with Lance Mason. He’s really into it.

Our new amazing skateboards come in next week! Can’t wait. I don’t think I’ve ever properly written about these electric skateboards, but I’ll do a full review with video and all that.

In further news, I just bought the most hilarious bathing suit ever. Yes! It all started from wanting to get a smaller bathing suit for packing… and this is where I ended up.

Okay, 75% through a much more substantial post. But first… Ethiopian food. Mmmm….






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