• Finding your Passion

    You should spend your life doing something you’re passionate about, right? Everyone agrees with this, but tons of people have trouble figuring out exactly what their passion is. It seems like the kind of thing that should be glaringly obvious, but for some reason it just isn’t. I think a big part of the problem…

  • My Interview on Sirius and XM

    I posted that I was going to be on the radio last minute, so here’s the audio for those of you who didn’t have the chance to listen in. But first, a big thank you to everyone there, especially Jordan Harbinger and Josh. I had a great time being on the show. You can check…

  • Life Nomadic is on Gadling

    I’m not sure if I mentioned some of this already, so I’ll explain what’s happening with LN this year. LifeNomadic.com is no longer a blog. We’ve decided to make it a resource site for nomads and hardcore travelers. We’re working hard on it now and it will be up very soon. Instead of blogging on…

  • Living Transparently

    (First, a very quick apology for not writing recently. Todd and I are working hard on Life Nomadic and there will soon be an overabundance of stuff to read. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can check out our first video here. Watch it in HD if possible.) Moving on. As you surely know,…

  • Meeting Steve and Erin Pavlina

    Steve and I have a long but sparse history. By the time I’d first heard of him years ago, I’d tried,and failed,to do the polyphasic sleep schedule twice. When he started to experiment with it, tons of people sent me links to his site. His first day was like mine, so was the second, and…

  • Listen to me on Sirius 108 TODAY

    I really should have posted this earlier… I’m going to be on the Pickup Podcast radio show TODAY at 11am EST on Sirius channel 108. If you don’t have Sirius, I believe I will be able to link to an online copy of the show. Vamonos!

  • Annie is the Bloggerina

    A looong time ago I mentioned that Annie was going to start a blog. Well, I’m happy to say that that day has come! The best kind of blog is a blog about a niche subject that’s so well written and universally useful that even people read it even if they have no connection to…

  • Texas Social Media Awards

    I was recently nominated by a reader (thanks, whoever you are) for the Texas Social Media Awards. Judges choose the winner based on the comments that people leave about the bloggers and their sites. If you’d like to leave a comment for me I’d be grateful. To see the nominees, click here: http://www.statesman.com/news/content/standing/awardnominees.html To go…

  • The Privilege of Blogging

    I think a lot can be changed just by looking at something from a different angle. A friend mentioned that this blog has been quiet a while. Yeah, I told him, I’ve been working on Life Nomadic. That’s part of it, but it’s not everything. Sometimes I’m struck with inspiration and can’t wait to get…

  • Daily 15 Has Been Taken Over!

    Hey guys. The first site, Daily 15, has been taken over since I decided to focus one one project. The guy taking it over is named Murphy, a long time reader and Forum member. I chose him because he is really excited about the project, has a lot good ideas for it, and is really…