• Leaving Pickup

    Leaving Pickup

    I’m not in the game anymore, and haven’t really been in it for a while. If I’m in a nightclub it’s because I’m singing karaoke, and as soon as the line gets too long, I’m gone. I’ve been in relationships ten times as much as I’ve been single since leaving LA, which means that the…

  • Understanding How Cameras Work to Improve Your Shots

    Understanding How Cameras Work to Improve Your Shots

      I’ve been wanting to write this post for a while, but I’ve hesitated because I thought that it would only benefit the few of us with high end cameras. But when I finally got my Sanyo VPC-WH1, which is the video version of a point and shoot, I realized how important these concepts are,…

  • The Best Banks and Credit Cards: American Express Platinum

    The Best Banks and Credit Cards: American Express Platinum

    I’ve been meaning to write about the Platinum Card for a while, but somehow haven’t gotten around to it. That stops today! The Black Card gets all the press, but the truth is that the Platinum Card has most of the benefits and costs far less. But it does cost, so let’s get that out…

  • Standard Dishonesty

    I’m always tempted to write about Radical Honesty, but I never do because I don’t practice it. I don’t lie, and will be radically honest when it’s requested, but I don’t offer it habitually. (if you don’t know what Radical Honesty is, it’s the idea of saying what’s on your mind– always– with no regard…

  • How Cruise Lines Get Free Employees

    Cruise lines are a really clever business. They do a lot of things that no other businesses do. They seem like Typical American Corporations, but they’re actually not. In fact, they’re not American at all. They’re offshore and they register their boats offshore, to avoid taxes. Before you go shedding a tear for Uncle Sam,…

  • Dealing with the Minutia

    I got a message the other day from a reader wondering what the best way to deal with the minor hassles of life is. Things like bill paying, errands, mailing in forms, etc. I thought this was a good question, because I can remember back to a time when a huge part of my day…

  • Tynan.net

    So, here we are. With a couple hours to go before I’m stuck on a boat with spotty and expensive internet, I’ve moved everything over to Tynan.net. This site will be a combination of Better Than Your Boyfriend, Life Nomadic, and even Best in the Land. The posts for these blogs have been imported, and…

  • VIDEO: The 2009 Passport Crisis

    I made my first video with my new camera last night, talking about about my passport situation.   Enjoy. More (and more action packed) videos coming in two weeks or so, since I’ll be on a boat without good internet access until then. Of course, that’s assuming I make it onto the boat. The postscript…

  • Quitting BTYB?

    Maybe by definition, but not in spirit. I’ve been thinking a lot about BTYB / LN over the past couple weeks, which lead to the survey from yesterday (please take a minute to fill it out if you haven’t already). Tonight I had a conversation about all this with Carl Zetterlund, a long time reader…

  • 2009 BTYB Survey Extravaganza

    Around this time last year I asked for readers to fill a survey. One hundred and thirty people participated and really helped me understand what readers are looking for. I used to be obsessed with getting a lot of readers, but I’ve been thinking lately that connecting with my existing readers is a lot more…