• Every Day For Two Weeks

    Every Day For Two Weeks

    (I’m way too tired to figure out what sort of picture goes with this post, so here’s a picture I took in the Sahara) Okay, so maybe it’s a bit of a cop out to write about writing, but it’s suddenly four in the morning and I have a post to write. Seth Godin writes…

  • How to be Good at Karaoke

    How to be Good at Karaoke

    Besides being pretty darn good myself (at rapping, not at singing), I’ve hosted Karaoke countless times in Austin. But more importantly, I hosted Tazeroke for quite a while. Nothing makes it more clear who is good and who is bad than Tazeroke. The whole audience votes and the losers get tazed. Why get good at…

  • Not Following Through

    There’s been a lot of chatter on the comments recently about me not following through, most of it deserved. Throughout my life one of my struggles has been to focus on one thing and follow it through. I used to be totally incapable of it, but over the years have gotten better. There are a…

  • Imaginary Obligations

    Imaginary Obligations

    (photo is just for fun… has nothing to do with the article) I was sick of being a nomad. Every day I had to make the choice between work and actively experiencing the city I was in. I was staying with friends and in hotels for a few days at a time. The hotels were…

  • What I Learned From Life Nomadic 2

    What I Learned From Life Nomadic 2

    Fresh off the second huge chunk of Life Nomadic,I’m back in Austin, TX. The RV is parked in the usual spot, I’m hanging out with my friends again, and life is good. Here are some thoughts inspired by LN part 2. I’m done with series of short trips When I stay somewhere for a long…

  • How Many of “The One” Are There?

    How Many of “The One” Are There?

    and I sat around the table talking about all the freaky things we have in common. We’re both vegan, don’t eat sugar or refined flour, don’t drink, aren’t religious, etc. We knew that the odds of finding someone with so many similarities was rare, but just how rare was it? Similarity #84: we’re both a…

  • The Details that Make an Experience

    The Details that Make an Experience

    After reading the E-Myth Revisited I’ve become a lot more attuned to the minor details of customer service, the subtle cues that define the experience of visiting a store. E-Myth says to script and specify these things rather than leave them up to chance, and I’m beginning to see why. Annie and I went to…

  • A Quick Question for an Upcoming Post

    What are your MUSTS for dating someone long term? For example, a couple of mine are that she can’t drink, can’t be religious, must be thin, etc. Give me yours to make a post coming up soon better!

  • Eight Questions to Figure Out Your Life

    Eight Questions to Figure Out Your Life

    One of the more valuable exercises in “The E-Myth Revisited” was answering the series of questions which define one’s personal aim. Following are the questions (underlined) and my answers to them. As a small incentive to try the exercise yourself, I’ll edit this post and link to anyone who e-mails me a link to a…

  • Book Review: The E-Myth Revisited

    Book Review: The E-Myth Revisited

    I just read a book that is challenging a how I see the world, like the Dip did many months ago. Like the dip, this book talked a lot about things I knew I SHOULD be doing, but didn’t really understand why. I’m a stubborn person, so understanding the “Why?” is really important for me…