• Two Kinds of Businesses

    Two Kinds of Businesses

    I picked my RV up from the dealership. My axle was reportedly broken, and, as far as I could tell, it was now fixed. Good. The cost was over a thousand bucks, money which I forked over, wishing the whole time I didn’t have to. A few weeks prior I was at an airport, desperate…

  • Two Weeks is Up

    Two Weeks is Up

    During the past two weeks I’ve waffled back and forth on whether or not to continue to posting daily. Half the time I think it’s a great idea, and the other half I’m checking the calendar to see how many more days of this bedtime-extending hell I have left. Some pros and cons for the…

  • That One Time I Danced

    That One Time I Danced

    I’d managed to go twenty something years without ever actually dancing, but it was becoming increasingly clear that my streak was going to end tonight. I’d always envied people who could dance. They made it look so easy and fun, which was how it was when I danced in the mirror, but the thought of…

  • Genie Questions

    Genie Questions

    I’m tired and not particularly inspired to write today (which I guess occasionally comes with the territory of writing every day), so this is a short one. When you travel with someone for a long period of time, you constantly find yourselves waiting in a lot of lines, sitting next to each other on a…

  • Getting Engaged

    Getting Engaged

    I couldn’t believe that it was already time for dinner. Despite the fact that it was almost one hundred degrees in my RV, the kind of heat that ensures that my shirt is permanently damp, the time had flown by. Four hours had passed since I last consciously checked the time.Still, as hungry as I…

  • Gangs, Programming, Marketing, Sony

    Gangs, Programming, Marketing, Sony

    Thanks to my Sony ebook reader I’ve been reading a lot lately. I’ve been fortunate to have been recommended great books, so now I’ll pass along the favor and recommend them to you. Gang Leader for a Day I first heard of Sudhir Venkatesh’s work when I read Freakonomics. The gist of it is that…

  • Greatest Transportation Ever: Electric Skateboards

    Greatest Transportation Ever: Electric Skateboards

    As soon as I saw the video, I knew I had to have one. Displayed before me on my screen was a guy carving around in a parking lot at twenty miles an hour on an electric skateboard. It was a beautiful thing. Years prior Mystery had goaded me into riding a Segway. “They’re SO…

  • How Much Work Can You Do?

    How Much Work Can You Do?

    I had a thought today. The amount of work you can do in an hour is mostly determined by the difficulty of the work. If it’s hard you’ll get a little done, if it’s easy you’ll get a lot done. Obvious. How much work can you do in a week, then? I say that it…

  • The Sony PRS-505 eBook Reader

    The Sony PRS-505 eBook Reader

    My friend Elisia first showed me an ebook reader, the Kindle she bought as soon as they came out. The quality of the screen was jaw dropping – it wasn’t anything like a computer screen, but instead actually looked like paper. As amazed as I was with the device, I had no intention of buying…

  • Swine Flu: Stop Worrying

    Swine Flu: Stop Worrying

    “The swine flu is a pandemic now,” my mother said in a concerned tone. I gave her my typical “oh please” look. “It’s a big deal. There hasn’t been a pandemic in over forty years.” I had no idea what a pandemic was, and I also had no real idea how big this swine flu…