• How to Be Carefree

    How to Be Carefree

    One of the greatest luxuries in life is to not have to worry. This isn’t possible for all people at all times, but there are things all of us can do to be more carefree, especially those of us who have only “first world problems”. Be very deliberate about taking on obligations. The obvious example…

  • Your Past

    Your Past

    I was one of the very lucky ones, though it took me a long time to understand just how lucky I was. I grew up with loving parents, siblings with whom I never fought, very involved grandparents, and a bunch of cousins who I count as close friends today. I made friends with incredible people…

  • My First International Trip in 7 Months

    My First International Trip in 7 Months

    Since my last blog post I traveled internationally for the first time in almost seven months. That period of time represents the longest time I’ve stayed in one country since 2008, I think. It was a weird experience for a number of reasons and made me reflect a lot on travel and being stationary. In…

  • Turn Maybes into Wins

    Turn Maybes into Wins

    We all want good things to happen in our lives. Sometimes these good things stem from obvious wins that can be picked up easily, like accepting a new job offer or going on a second date when a first date went well. In thinking about which events in my life were most positively impactful, however,…

  • Your Time Scale

    Your Time Scale

    We make hundreds or thousands of subconscious decisions each day, but just because they’re subconscious doesn’t mean that we have no influence on them. Quite the opposite, they are actually dictated by our principles and the lenses through which we view the world. By changing those things we can automatically and effortlessly make better decisions.…

  • Investment Principles

    Investment Principles

    A friend asked me if I had any rules for investing, not necessarily in stocks but in other things, and I said that I didn’t have hard and fast rules, but thought about it more in terms of principles. What are those principles, she asked? Well… I didn’t quite have an answer ready. I’ve thought…

  • Why I Love Escape Games (Even in VR)

    Why I Love Escape Games (Even in VR)

    My friend Michiru was very excited about a new thing that some of her Japanese friends had brought to San Francisco. It was called a “puzzle break room” and her description of it made absolutely no sense to me. She kept insisting that I would love it and that I absolutely had to go, but…

  • A Basic Formula for Contentedness

    A Basic Formula for Contentedness

    A friend and I were discussing food. I told him that I didn’t care about food, and he laughed and said that I cared more about food than anyone he knew. I am so obsessed with ingredients and quality and wouldn’t eat at a lot of restaurants. I thought about it and realized that he…

  • Being Fascinated

    Being Fascinated

    For the past few days I’ve had a spring in my step. Why? Because I’m writing some tax-loss-harvesting and rebalancing software, of course. Yesterday, as I was coding, I realized how monotonous the code I was writing was, but how much I was enjoying writing it. It was a strange combination. I don’t always love…

  • Subscribe

    I have been writing blog posts since 2005 and generally write one post per week. Subscribe to my site to using the box below get these posts delivered to your inbox directly so that you don’t miss out on anything.