• Who You Are (a.k.a. My Target Audience)

    Who You Are (a.k.a. My Target Audience)

    A couple weeks ago I asked you to take another survey, this time sharing details about who you are as a person. This was borne from a conversation between some blogger friends who discussed the importance of knowing who your audience is. While optimistic, a lingering worry in the back of my head was that…

  • Run, Don’t Walk

    Run, Don’t Walk

    I don’t walk much anymore. I run. If you were to follow me around all week, you’d probably interpret the rush to mean that I’m the most tardy person on planet earth. But that’s not why I run, except today when I almost missed my flight. I run because it’s better than walking. I didn’t…

  • Living Your Life with Full Integrity

    Living Your Life with Full Integrity

    When I’m staring into space trying to think of something to write about– as I am now– often ideas come across my mind that strike me as so obvious and commonplace that they aren’t worth discussing. When I first started writing I had twenty-something years of built up stories, adventures, and lessons to share, but…

  • My Experience at Burning Man 2010

    My Experience at Burning Man 2010

    I once went to a B.B. King concert, not because I’d ever owned a single song of his or had any familiarity with his music or his genre, but because I knew he was the best at what he did. In that same vein, I’ve always wanted to experience Burning Man, not because I care…

  • Getting to Know You Better

    Getting to Know You Better

    Last week I had an interesting talk with Ramit and Matt in New York. At one point the conversation turned to Matt’s site, and Ramit started asking him a few questions about it. Actually, it was more like an interrogation. “Who is your average reader?” “Someone who’s looking for travel information.” “How old are they?”…

  • Why The New Kindle is a Must-Have for Travelers

    Why The New Kindle is a Must-Have for Travelers

    There are three items I own which I’ll always upgrade when a significant upgrade exists: my computer, my camera, and my Kindle. Yesterday I got my new Kindle, the fourth generation one that was just released. Before I talk about this specific Kindle, I want to address some general points about the Kindle. Price Some…

  • Treating Strangers like Friends

    Treating Strangers like Friends

    When you travel with someone for a year or two, you pick up their habits. One of Todd’s habits that I most admire, and am thankful to have picked, up is the practice of treating strangers like friends. When he goes to a restaurant and the waiter asks him how he is, he tells him…

  • My Strategy for the JetBlue All-You-Can Jet Promotion

    My Strategy for the JetBlue All-You-Can Jet Promotion

    As anyone who follows my tweets knows, I’m going to be doing the JetBlue All-You-Can-Jet promotion. Because I’m flexible, I saved $200 and bought the five day pass for $500, which means that I can’t fly on Friday or Sunday. The pass entitles me to fly from September 7th until October 6th for free on…

  • How and Why to Self Publish and Distribute Your Book

    How and Why to Self Publish and Distribute Your Book

    Step 1. Write Book Step 2. ??? Step 3. Profit Let’s focus on Step 2. There are a number of ways you can disseminate your book, and since I’ve tried the most popular of them, I’m going to share my experiences and advice for each. Self Distributed eBook This is when you whip up a…

  • How To Write Your First Book in 48 Hours

    How To Write Your First Book in 48 Hours

    As I’ve mentioned, I’m not an authority on making money in general, but I do make a livable income through my two books, Make Her Chase You and Life Nomadic. I won’t claim to be an expert on writing books, but I definitely have enough experience that I can probably offer a good starting point…