Search results for: “gear post”

  • Not Following Through

    There’s been a lot of chatter on the comments recently about me not following through, most of it deserved. Throughout my life one of my struggles has been to focus on one thing and follow it through. I used to be totally incapable of it, but over the years have gotten better. There are a…

  • Why I Love Buying Properties With Friends

    Why I Love Buying Properties With Friends

    When I talk about buying properties with friends (we’ve bought an island, a flat in Budapest, an apartment in Tokyo, and an apartment in Hawaii), some people get it immediately. Others don’t get the point, quickly do the math and realize that they’d save money and hassle if they just stuck with Airbnbs. It’s hard…

  • Choosing How to Invest Time and Money

    Choosing How to Invest Time and Money

    Partially because of my previous two posts about managing your finances like a billionaire and because of the obvious impact of of coronavirus on CruiseSheet, I’ve gotten a lot of emails recently around money and finance. I realized that there’s one missing piece that I may not have talked about much before, but which may…

  • Solo Scuba

    Solo Scuba

    This post isn’t suggesting that you should solo scuba dive. Scuba diving has risks and I don’t know anything about you. Part of why I always buy properties with my friends is so that we can take advantage of the things that are easy to do in each location but hard to do in other…

  • The Three Books I Most Recommend

    The Three Books I Most Recommend

    To be honest, I don’t read a ton anymore. I had a couple years where I read 50-100 books per year and that had the effect of exposing me to just about every book anyone had ever recommended to me and burning me out a little bit. I still read a bit, but not like…

  • Help Shape Life Nomadic 2

    Help Shape Life Nomadic 2

    I’m about halfway through a transatlantic cruise, which means I’m also halfway through writing a new book. This time I’m writing a follow-up to Life Nomadic, since so much has changed about traveling and being a nomad since I wrote my first book. Also, the tech section in that book is embarrassingly out of date,…

  • Sett Has Failed

    Sett Has Failed

    Beginning now, Sett is going into maintenance mode. Todd won’t be working on it anymore, except to help me fix the occasional bug on parts he built, and I will work on it as a side project, mostly fixing bugs. Before I talk about some of the upsides of this decision, I want to acknowledge…

  • What I’m Thankful for in 2014

    What I’m Thankful for in 2014

    I think that gratitude is an essential part of a good life. If you don’t appreciate the people, places, and things that make up your life, you don’t have much motivation do anything. I feel the weight of gratitude every day. Many times a day I think of how fortunate I am to be where…

  • Why Crazy Stuff Happens on the Island: Risk Profiles

    Why Crazy Stuff Happens on the Island: Risk Profiles

    I really enjoy talking about risk, but it’s always better to talk about concrete examples rather than theories. My recent post about the disasters encountered on our island trip got a lot of people riled up about the risks I was taking, so I figured I’d use that as an opportunity to talk about risk,…

  • Island Adventure 2, Part 2: Almost Total Victory

    Island Adventure 2, Part 2: Almost Total Victory

    I woke up to a familiar sight. Outside the vehicle I had slept in was Brian, on the phone, trying to get us help with our latest predicament. And, just as last time with being stuck in mud, our unfailingly benevolent neighbors came to our rescue. “I don’t let anyone besides my dad work on…