NEW BOOK: Around the World in Fifteen Friends
Guess what? I’ve got a new book out. I hate all the launching and promotion sort of stuff, and I’m not sure it actually helped my last book, so I’m going to do things the old-fashioned way and just quietly announce it here. A little over a year ago I wrote a story about visiting…
How I Drink Tea
A couple people asked me recently to make a post about tea. I’m delighted to hear that people are interested, because I sometimes feel like readers must be getting sick of how much I post about and share pictures of tea. I drink tea just about every day. The only days I don’t drink it…
Just Got Your First Job? Here’s What To Do With That Paycheck
Summer is just beginning, which means that in my family as well as many others, people are graduating college and preparing to enter the workforce. I just heard that one of my cousins got a job. My first reaction was to be excited for her, and then the second was to be a little bit…
I’m not sure how I’ve made it my entire life without knowing that my grandmother was an only child. I’m sitting in a pizza place in Vermont with my grandmother, surrounded by my father and aunts, my cousins, and my cousins’ children. We have so many people that we don’t know how many to tell…
Advantages, Disadvantages, Action
A entrepreneur friend of mine, who happens to be female, and I were talking. Another female entrepreneur had said that she couldn’t get funding for her company because she was female, and that she would have easily gotten it if she was male. Now, I have no idea if this is true or not. As…
Will I Settle Down? The Third Option
Making decisions is fascinating to me. Once you build a base level of competence, where you can trust that you will follow through with whatever you decide to do, you could say that your life is largely an exercise in decision making. There’s a concept we’ve all probably heard of, called paralysis of choice, where…
Planning for Chaos
One of two things is true: either you will experience chaos in life, or you are setting your sights drastically too low. With even medium-sized goals, you’re going to occasionally run into a time where you’ve underestimated a project, or someone has slacked and pushed work onto your plate, or a great opportunity arose and…
I did the math again. Fifteen minutes to get to the car rental place, five minutes to check out, five minutes to wait for the shuttle, fifteen minutes to get to the airport, five minutes to get through security, two minutes to run to my gate. That was forty-seven minutes to get to a plane…
The Vaue of Spontaneity
I woke up yesterday morning prepared to grind away at Cruise Sheet all day. This is actually a great type of day for me– I love non-workout days when I have the whole day to block off and make huge amounts of progress. I always start the same way, though: tea and email. In my…
Enough Learning
The past dozen or so years of my life have been dedicated mostly to learning and growth. Not totally singlemindedly, of course; I’ve traveled around and done fun things and have also put out a respectable body of work, but most of my focus has been on improvement. And I needed it. I learned social…