• Freestyle Mentality

    Freestyle Mentality

    I was a little bit nervous the night before I held my first Superhuman event in Las Vegas. People had paid a fair amount of money and had traveled long distances for an event, but I hadn’t planned anything. It was very important to me that everyone have an amazing time at the event. Still,…

  • Your Three Social Layers

    Your Three Social Layers

    One very common thing I work on with coaching clients is social skills. Through that work I’ve seen a lot of common patterns and have come to use a three layer model to think about and discuss how people are interacting with the people around them. If all three layers are in good shape, you…

  • Recognizing When It’s Over

    Recognizing When It’s Over

    As I’ve written before http://tynan.com/trendy, I’m generally early on a lot of different things from nomadic travel to online gambling. Being early to things is valuable, but it is also equally valuable to realize when something is over and to leave early. This skill is actually easier than finding new things because it involves just…

  • How I Think About Aging

    How I Think About Aging

    I’ll never forget asking my grandmother what her favorite decade was. She was in her eighties at the time and had had a really good life overall, but would occasionally make comments about how she hopes the world is moving in the right direction because it sure seems… Her answer came quickly and without reservation.…

  • Reduce Friction

    Reduce Friction

    The more I work on various aspects of my and other peoples’ lives, the more obvious it is that friction is one of one’s biggest enemies. The best way I can define friction is to contrast it with regular challenges that we might encounter. A challenge is something that comes up in your path that,…

  • Solo Scuba

    Solo Scuba

    This post isn’t suggesting that you should solo scuba dive. Scuba diving has risks and I don’t know anything about you. Part of why I always buy properties with my friends is so that we can take advantage of the things that are easy to do in each location but hard to do in other…

  • Working Up the Ladder

    Working Up the Ladder

    One of my worries in blogging is that people will get the impression that I am always at 100%, ready to be my absolute best and live up to the principles I write about. I think I’m there a lot of the time, but I have my slow and unmotivated days just like everyone else.…

  • Why I Ignore All Studies

    Why I Ignore All Studies

    When I was first learning about marketing (I never got very far with it), one of the things I remember reading was how important studies are. If you can share a study that supports your point, it becomes immediately more compelling. The same is true of writing books. When I wrote my habit book, several…

  • Updates On a Lot of Things

    Updates On a Lot of Things

    I often start habits or routines with a lot of fanfare, but then never follow up on them. Sometimes when people meet me they ask about them, so I figured I’d just think of all of them that I can come up with and catch you up. Being Married Being married has been really great!…

  • One Meal Per Day

    One Meal Per Day

    Many years ago I gave up breakfast because I was told by my trainer friend that I should be intermittent fasting. At first it felt like a big imposition, but after a few days I didn’t feel hungry at breakfast time any more. Even better, it allowed me to get to work earlier and to…