Yeah, so I forgot to mention that I’m on a cruise so there won’t be any posts for a week. The upside is that I have a criminal amount of free time, so I’m going to whip out a few posts for posting later. Highlights so far : We arrived at our cabin and the…
Tynan’s Ultimate Privacy Guide
My keen interest in online security and privacy has recently blossomed into a full on obsession. Some may say it’s because I’m eccentric and weird, but it’s at least partly because of the crazy new laws going down in this country. There is an excellent chance that all of your e-mails and IM conversations are…
I’m awful at expressing it (an opinion frequently voiced by the ladies who have spent any amount of time in my life), but I’m a very grateful person. I feel like most of my happiness and success comes from my friends, family, acquaintances, and even the random strangers who I meet on the street or…
I’m awful at expressing it (an opinion frequently voiced by the ladies who have spent any amount of time in my life), but I’m a very grateful person. I feel like most of my happiness and success comes from my friends, family, acquaintances, and even the random strangers who I meet on the street or…
No Passion
I love failure. When it occurs, I’m pretty indifferent to it, but as a concept I love it. Failure lets you know that you’re doing something wrong. It shines a light on a personality trait that needs to be fixed,one that probably would go unchanged if it weren’t for failure. People who fail and get…
H to the Izzo
Monday – Jay-Z announces that he’s doing a 7 stop tour in one day. I look for details / tickets and there are none of either to be had. Tuesday – The first tickets start showing up. I e-mail everyone posting them, but they’re always sold. Wednesday – More tickets on craigslist / ebay. I…
Thanks for Coming to Karaoke!
Before I start this post – thanks so much to people who came to Karaoke. It was mostly people I already knew, but one reader, Curtis, came. I thought it was totally awesome that he read about Karaoke here and decided to go. Even better, he nailed Guns ‘N Roses’ Welcome to the Jungle. Also…
NEWSFLASH: Karaoke with me Tonight!
A year ago there was something called “Krunkaoke” every wednesday night at a club nearby. I went religiously and became one of the few creepy superstar regulars who dropped hot gangsta classics every Wednesday. The first time I went I was really nervous, but after doing “How We Do” by The Game, I was hooked.…
It’s Hot
I wake up at 7:00am to the sound of a loud fire alarm. It must be national test-your-fire-alarm-day. I remember those from middle school. I try to go to sleep, but it’s no use. I flop out of bed, head to the kitchen and make some breakfast. After breakfast I go back into my room…
Pure Food and Wine
A year ago, when I decided to go raw, I bought a cookbook recommended to me by a friend called Raw Food/Real World: 100 Recipes to Get the Glow. At first glance it looked like a hippie book, but if the food tasted half as good as it looked in the glossy photos, it would…