Finding Purchasing Sweet Spots
Feedback I get often is that I do a lot of crazy things that are really fun, but that they aren’t practical for normal people. I understand where this comes from. I marvel almost every day at how very good my life is, and how if I didn’t already have it, it would seem unattainable.…
A lot of people in my life seem to be at the end of a phase of great focus. They worked on a startup and sold or otherwise exited it, they built a business that’s now running without them, or they left a job and are taking time off before the next thing. It’s interesting…
How and When to Give Advice
In some ways I’m professional advice giver these days. I talk to people monthly and help them make big decisions that will impact their lives greatly. I also do events where 7-10 people join me somewhere and we try to plot the course of their next few big moves. Giving advice is an enormous responsibility,…
The Upsides of Coronavirus
I don’t usually write about current events because I don’t necessarily think that yet another semi-informed opinion floating around is of much value. This time the event is easily actionable on a personal level, though, and I’m personally doing what I can to make the best of the situation, so I figured I’d share. Before…
Financial Phases to Follow
The normal financial path that’s prescribed by our society is to get out of school, get a job, and then start making money and keep making as much money as you can until you retire. That works for some people, but it also leaves a lot of people unsatisfied and feeling trapped within the rat…
Shifting Gears
Living in an RV was one of the best things I could have possibly done for the eight or so years I did it. It allowed me freedom, both physical and financial, made it easy for me to travel, forced me to become minimalist, and taught me a lot. If I were still living in…
Things I Like about Things I Don’t Like
As I wrote (last week), it’s very easy to criticize problems, and it’s easy to categorize things as good or bad without any nuance. I think that it’s a lot more productive to recognize the good in everything and everyone, and so in that spirit I’d like to challenge myself to share some positive things…