• 3D Printing

    3D Printing

    When I first began quarantine I was extremely productive. I rewrote some big parts of CruiseSheet and got a lot of work done. Then after a week or so I had cleaned out my backlog of tasks and, with cruise sales down about 100%, wasn’t coming up with any pressing tasks to add to my…

  • Thinking about Politics

    Thinking about Politics

    I have almost no interest in politics, but I am interested in our country and society, so I inevitably get dragged into various political topics. If there’s one thing I’m certain of in that area, it’s that most people’s interaction with politics is both harmful to themselves and counterproductive for society. At the risk of…

  • A Second Year of Writing 52 Posts in 10 Days

    A Second Year of Writing 52 Posts in 10 Days

    In 2018 I wrote 52 blog posts on a cruise and scheduled them for the following year. They actually ended up lasting more than a month longer because of other posts I wrote in real time throughout the year. I originally did this because I wanted to find a way to eliminate the weekly pressure…

  • My Thought Process on Buying a Boat + Aftermath

    My Thought Process on Buying a Boat + Aftermath

    Common knowledge says that buying a boat is a pretty dumb financial thing to do, and yet I find myself on the precipice of buying one. I’m in a familiar holding pattern where I haven’t actually made any committment to doing something, but I also realize I’ve done enough research to know I’m probably going…

  • Finding Purchasing Sweet Spots

    Finding Purchasing Sweet Spots

    Feedback I get often is that I do a lot of crazy things that are really fun, but that they aren’t practical for normal people. I understand where this comes from. I marvel almost every day at how very good my life is, and how if I didn’t already have it, it would seem unattainable.…

  • Exploration


    A lot of people in my life seem to be at the end of a phase of great focus. They worked on a startup and sold or otherwise exited it, they built a business that’s now running without them, or they left a job and are taking time off before the next thing. It’s interesting…

  • How and When to Give Advice

    How and When to Give Advice

    In some ways I’m professional advice giver these days. I talk to people monthly and help them make big decisions that will impact their lives greatly. I also do events where 7-10 people join me somewhere and we try to plot the course of their next few big moves. Giving advice is an enormous responsibility,…

  • Reader Questions: How Selective Should I Be?

    Reader Questions: How Selective Should I Be?

    A couple weeks ago I wrote a post about what I think single people in their thirties should do. A few people emailed my about it, and one reader named Jack asked some really good questions. Rather than reply to him directly, I asked if I could reply to his email as a blog post.…

  • The Upsides of Coronavirus

    The Upsides of Coronavirus

    I don’t usually write about current events because I don’t necessarily think that yet another semi-informed opinion floating around is of much value. This time the event is easily actionable on a personal level, though, and I’m personally doing what I can to make the best of the situation, so I figured I’d share. Before…

  • Dating Advice for Single People in Their 30s

    Dating Advice for Single People in Their 30s

    I have a surprising number of single friends who are in their 30s. I don’t think that this is a problem by any means, but I know that a lot of them don’t actually want to be single. I’m married and think that being married is pretty cool, but I could also see a great…