• New Years Goals – Old and New

    It’s 10 minutes before midnight on the last day of 2006, and I’m sitting in bed writing a post. I guess that shows where my priorities are. Anyway, a year ago I wrote down my goals for 2006, so our first order of business is to review them. 1 – Become Fully Polyphasic. I guess…

  • How to Make a Moderately Popular Blog

    Let’s be honest: My blog is pretty cool. It’s not nearly as popular at Boingboing, Tuckermax, or that weird housewife who writes about her kids, but I have a pretty steady readership who all post comments and get something out of the site. Since I started around a year ago, I’ve averaged 1200 unique readers…

  • Let a Billionaire Manage Your Finances for Free

    During my second year at college, I thought that investing was easy. I read about options, paper traded for a few months, and then solicited my friends for investments. Many of them invested in my hedge fund – “The H Fund”, which I started with a friend. In total we had $26k, which was quite…

  • Good Christmas

    Like most kids I used to delight in waking up at the crack of dawn to unwrap the mountain of presents under the tree. With shreds of paper covering the living room I’d run upstairs to call my friends and compare our hauls. One Christmas, maybe when I was in high school or so, my…

  • *NEW* BTYB Forums!

    I mentioned the idea a few times in the past, and people seemed to like the idea of having forums here. I do too, so here they are. The forums should make things a lot more interactive around these parts. You can ask for advice, post your own stories and tips, or just chat with…

  • Evan, the Vegan Wonder

    Right now I’m sitting on my couch enjoying the aroma of onions and garlic cooking in olive oil. On another burner is a giant pot full of vegetables. Next to it is a skillet with roasting eggplants. To the side of the stove is a cutting board with even more chopped vegetables. What’s going on?…

  • Models and Me

    Models and Me

    I get back to my building and reach into my back pocket. I dig for the fob that opens the front door, but can’t find it. Each pocket gets patted in anticipation of the familiar key-jingle noise, but I don’t hear it. I wait for someone else to come into the building and I take…

  • Models and Me

    Models and Me

    I get back to my building and reach into my back pocket. I dig for the fob that opens the front door, but can’t find it. Each pocket gets patted in anticipation of the familiar key-jingle noise, but I don’t hear it. I wait for someone else to come into the building and I take…

  • From Carnivore to Vegan Overnight

    I’ve mentioned before that I have become a vegan. It’s now had such an impact on my life that I’m going to write a whole post explaining why on earth I’d become a vegan, and why I’ll be a vegan for life. First, I should say that the term “vegan” isn’t great. It’s usually associated…

  • The Legend of the Sequin Hat

    The Legend of the Sparkly Hat Anyone who has seen me in real life, seen pictures, or realized that the awesome cartoon at the top of this page is me, knows that I wear a sparkly hat almost all the time. One day I a friend called to see if I wanted to check out…