• Cook’s Knives

    Knives are awesome. You can chop celery, ward off intruders, and perform circus sideshows with them. In the high end kitchen market there are two dominant brands, Henckels and Wusthof. Both of these brands are incredible and are fairly evenly matched. I personally use Wusthof knives, but if I were to buy again today I…

  • New Site: Best in the Land

    I’m unemployed for only three days and I’ve already made a new site. This is one that I’ve been thinking about doing for a while, but just finally got around to it. If you were a member of my forums, you would have already seen it, along with a couple other new projects I’m working…

  • Panasonic Light Oven

    I hate microwaves. In my old house I never had one, and in my new house it came built in but never gets used. They warm food up, but they make it mushy or tough. No matter how you slice it, there’s always a better way to cook or warm up any given food. The…

  • Eagle Creek Switchback Max ES 22

    Did they really have to give this back such a long ridiculous name? Probably not, but we’ll forgive them because they have truly created the best suitcase in the land. At first glance you might overlook this bag. What makes this plain looking bag so great? It’s sneaky. The problem with most carry on luggage…

  • SuperMacro IV Headphone Amp

    Ok, so right about now you’re probably wondering who in their right mind would buy a headphone amp. In fact, you might even be wondering what a headphone amp is. Let me break it down for you. Portable audio players traditionally have poor quality amplifiers built in. Because you’re used to it, you probably don’t…

  • Smartwool Socks

    For the very first post of Best in the Land, I present to you the finest sock in the land. I chose this one because I just bought 18 pairs of these puppies and I’m really excited about them. I normally hate socks. Before smartwool I had only 4 pair, which I wore only when…

  • Fired!

    Fired might be a harsh word, but as of today I no longer work at the glorious Smiley Media. Working there was really fun, and I learned some interesting things, but at the end of the day I don’t think I’m really meant to work in an office. The only part I’ll really miss are…

  • How to Survive Waterboarding

    First, a couple blog notes. I haven’t been posting as much because my free time has been filled with writing my new book. More info and the cover are in the forums. Also, lots of people have been linking to me recently. I really appreciate it! Ahem… waterboarding. For those who don’t know, waterboarding is…

  • Losing Weight or Get Shamed

    So, a couple of my friends, LadyTea and Doug share a goal of losing some weight. Neither is fat, but they each want to slim down a bit before the summer. So, in the interest of motivation, I have promised to post a picture of LadyTea in her bikini and Doug in a speedo on…

  • Managing Your Finances Like a Pro Gambler

    Hey everyone… one of my favorite sites for personal finance is a site called “Get Rich Slowly”. I just wrote an article for them, which was published today and also featured on Lifehacker. You can read the article here, and make sure to check out some of his other articles as well… lots of good…