• Behind the Scenes with Tax Protestors Ed and Elaine Brown

    He doesn’t like to call it a compound, so I won’t. It does have 10 inch thick concrete walls, though. When I heard that Ed Brown was allowing visitors to his “home” in New Hampshire, I had to visit. Ed and Elaine Brown are a pair of famous tax protestors who are evading arrest in…

  • Childhood Memories

    It’s a dangerous night to be walking outside. Not for me, but for the tiny little frogs that dot the gravel road. I swish my overpowered Surefire flashlight across the dark gravel trying to avoid stepping on them. When I get close they freeze in their tracks, making them harder to see. This would be…

  • The Open Road II

    I’ve made it up to Maine. The RV has performed perfectly, and we’re even getting 13mpg. I was expecting more like 10-11. Here’s what I’ve done so far: I hung out in NY with Ross Jeffries and Jlaix, who both just happened to be in town at the same time. While I was there I…

  • The Open Road

    I’m lying in bed in the RV right now. Yes, I still live here and love it, but that’s another story. The only difference between tonight and a normal night is that my bed is flying down the highway at 60mph, headed for the east coast. My esteem friends and colleagues, Jonah and Krystal, are…

  • Life Nomadic

    Life Nomadic

    For a long time now I’ve wanted to be a PT, or Perpetual Traveler. My recent massive simplification has been a step in the right direction. I used to have too much stuff to even consider going on the road. Living in the RV has been another leap towards PT. But first… why be a…

  • Tazeroke!

    Every Wednesday Doug (a.k.a. DJ Doug) and I host Karaoke at a club called Firehouse Lounge in Austin, TX. The main reason I do it is because I love doing gangsta rap songs at Karaoke, and if I’m a host I get to sing more. Plus all of our friends come, so it’s a really…

  • If I Were President

    Just for fun, here are all of my political views. I’m not super into politics at all – in fact before Bush started screwing everything up, I had zero interest in them. I definitely haven’t done enough research to have definitive stances on most of these things, so take them with a grain of salt.…

  • Casino Night

    “No tie.” I laugh. It’s the annual casino night at my college dorm. I’m dressed up more than usual – I’m wearing a blazer. Today it’s more function than form, though. The ticket taker isn’t laughing, though. “No tie.” I glance around. The cafeteria lady is watching us intently. A police officer is also watching.…

  • The Hospital Visit

    The Hospital Visit

    I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago. Not because I was sick. Nay – I’m a vegan superhero. I had the privelege of observing an actual surgery! I won’t go into details as to how this was arranged, but it’s one of those things that I’ve always wanted to see in person. Although…

  • Survival of the Fittest

    We wanted to go to yard sales to furnish our new dorm. We were going to be freshman at UT and we were determined to have a cool dorm room. The problem is that, like other freshmen, we were prone to sleeping late. Getting up at 6am was nigh impossible. The solution, of course, is…