Why I Don’t Take Medicine
Why I Don’t Take Medicine I’m aware that admitting / proclaiming that I don’t take medicine sets me up to be bucketed in with the nutty religious people who handle snakes and let their kids die on rare occasions before allowing them to go to the hospital. That’s not me. My policy is to not…
When you’re on the road for this long you get good at rationing. In our case, that applies to batteries and to food. I just last week ate a vegan food bar that I bought in LA in the beginning of March. We don’t plan far ahead, so we never know exactly when we’ll be…
Rescue your Time
For the past three months I have been using Rescue Time, which is a really amazing tool to track your time usage. It runs in the background and logs every single thing you do on your computer. Then when you log in to the web dashboard you can categorize the sites and programs you use…
The Hovercraft
I had just stumbled across a site called www.hackaday.com, and I was fascinated. Most of the hacks were too nerdy for me to really be interested in, but one stuck out. “Build a Hovercraft for under $100” Yeah! As a kid I would always read the classifieds section of the Boy Scout magazine, and salivate…
The Vietnam Visas
In a stunning display of forward thinking, we decided to go to the Vietnamese embassy to get visas. Ideally we would have gotten them for China as well, thus enabling us to take the train all the way through China to Hong Kong, but there wasn’t time for that. We went on Friday. It takes…
Beyond Productivity
A few months ago I wrote about the power of persistence. I think that it was one of my better posts, and I think that adopting the habit of persistence and working hard is one of the most important habits I’ve picked up. Since January I have been tracking my productivity. Besides having a log…
Thailand, Take 2
Okay so I just wrote about half of a really long post about how awesome Thailand has been… and then it got deleted somehow. It’s a shame when things like that happen to computer geniuses like myself. So… from the top. Todd and I reconvened on the small island of Koh Phi Phi (where The…
My Old Home
I was messing around with Google street view for the first time today, and look what I found. My old house! Link Parked behind it is my old car. Aww, the good old days. Back when I had things. I really do miss the RV, though. I loved that thing so much. When I go…
Your Own Standards
Today I was talking with my friend, Hayden. One of the things I like about talking with Hayden is that he probably has more insight into my life than I do. He’ll often describe something I do or think in a way that I’d never thought about it, which then gives me something to ponder…
When I Die
Many years ago I decided that when I died I would become cryogenically frozen when I died. Of course, that decision carried no weight – the procedure costs more than one hundred thousand dollars, money which I didn’t have to set aside. A couple months ago I walked into Style’s living room. Mystery was there.…