Smuggling from the Catacombs
The police lined us up in the pitch black tunnel. Their headlamps flicked around as they gave their orders in French. We were getting searched. They went up the line searching my friends. First they were patted down, and then their bags were sifted through. Nothing to worry about, as they had nothing to hide.…
Hong Kong Hospitality
Man do we have a lot of catching up to do. This rapid fire traveling schedule doesn’t leave us with all that much time to contemplate and write. If we aren’t checking in somewhere, we’re checking out and trying to catch a plane. We were worried about where we’d stay in Hong Kong. It’s a…
Why I Don’t Use a Mac
Someone recently commented that he was surprised I don’t use a Macintosh computer. Macs are the cool things to get these days and i can understand why he would assume I’d want to use one. At the same time, I take immense pleasure in researching and buying the best things in the world, so I’ll…
Sleeping in Pamplona
Todd’s experience running with the bulls was a lot better than mine, so I’m going to let him dazzle you with that story. The tradition in Pamplona is to sleep in the park, and then run with the bulls the next day. This is a convenient tradition because we didn’t want to pay for hotels…
How I Chose Which RV to Buy
One post that people request occasionally is a post about how I go about finding the best of something to buy. It’s a bit of an obsession for me, as you may know. I’ll write that post some day, but right now I’m on an airplane so I don’t have the necessary internet to get…
How I Feel About Pot
I’ve never smoked pot, or even a cigarette. I think it’s a stupid thing to do, and I think less of people who do it. I know people will probably start arguing about that in the comments, and that’s fine. At the same time, I think that governments banning marijuana is beyond stupid. Let’s be…
Both Items Found!
Wow… I can’t believe you guys found both of the things I was looking for. I consider myself a fifth level black belt of finding stuff online, but I’ve been humbled. Scott found the angle adapter here: http://www.igo.com/product.asp?sku=3776087 Cassius found the splitter thing here: http://www.moons-power.com/ Mine was black, but those other colors are awesome! I…
Maybe I Should Stop Watching Movies
Every time I leave a movie I always think, “I should never watch movies again.” And then I remember that I told myself the exact same thing last time I watched a movie, but ignored it. When we were in Thailand we went to a really cool theater in the Siam Paragon to watch Indiana…
Please Help Me Find These Things
I am going crazy trying to find two very small pieces of gear that would make my life a whole lot easier. I can’t find any trace of them online, but I KNOW that they exist because I have had one of each at some point. The first one is an ingenious little chunk of…
A New Plan for Life Nomadic
As our stack of plane tickets gets thinner and our passports get more and more inked up, we’ve started thinking about what we’re going to do next year. A repeat? Take some time off? Some combination? This sort of travel is self perpetuating. If I had ten places I really wanted to visit before leaving…